Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Alison hurriedly dashed across the carpark towards the school building. Already late for her first day of school in the new year. What a terrible way to start. She rushed to the locker and quickly ran to her English class. Luckily, the bell rang just in time as she reached the classroom.

"Wow, did you just run a marathon? First day of school and you're already late? What were you doing last night?" Zoe asked from her seat looking at Alison who was having difficulty catching her breath and could only hold out her forefinger while taking deep breaths

Recalling last night, she was with Jason, they went to the lake late at night again just talking and have the occasional breathtaking moments where they would stare into each other's eyes intensely. She was frustrated with his actions, he seemed like he was going to kiss her yet he didn't. She realized that he was actually a kind and caring person, protective and had been taking care of his sister since young, he was also caring towards his friends even though he might pretend not to but it was obvious that he sincerely cared about them, and them towards him as well. He seemed to understand her and somehow able to offer peace and comfort just by being with her which she was direly in need of. However, she was just afraid that he did not see her similarly the way she does.

"Couldn't sleep, last night." She simply replied taking out a bottle of water just as Mr. Potterman walked in the class. The classes were as usually boring, during lunch time, they went to sit together with Layla, Shane, Corey, Rob and Jason. Alison was sitting next to Jason when Ivy walked towards their table. Ivy handed Jason a small blue box which he reluctantly took.

"Hi Jason, it's from Mia. Just a simple token from California." Ivy said in her sweet tone. She walked away after she gave him the gift, before she gave Alison a big smile as well. That was weird. Maybe new year, new Ivy? Also feeling uneasy that he actually took a gift from another girl.

"What did the she give you?" Zoe asked innocently curious, while she gestured him to open the box in front of everyone, but he just shrugged and placed the box to the side as though he doesn't care.

"Why was she smiling at Alison, though. That was super creepy, like Annabelle-creepy." Zoe observed.

"Who cares. So, are we still on this Friday?" Corey diverted taking a huge bite on his club sandwich.

"What could we possibly have during the first week of school?" Layla asked.

"Welcome to school party. It'll be at Tommy's house. Come on!" Corey wriggled his eyebrow.

"I'll go, I need some action back in my life after being imprisoned for almost three weeks. And no Layla, there isn't any cute neighbor or whoever." Zoe scowled.

"Want to go babe?" Shane asked Layla.

"I'll go if Alison go." She looked towards Alison who paused midway taking a bite at her cheeseburger when she heard the mention of her name.

"What? Why me? I don't think I'm going. It's just the beginning of the year."

"Exactly! More reason to go." Corey added.

"Ugh. Well... I'll go if Jason go. Zoe's going, since Layla put the weight on my shoulder, might as well passed it on." She shrugged looking at Jason.

"Jason? Of course, he'd definitely go. Whenever there's Venus, that's where he'd be. Every hole is a goal!" Corey remarked but was immediately smacked in the head by Jason who happened to sit beside him.

"Jeez, what was that for! Everyone basically knows that state of fact, man." He cursed hitting him back with his elbow.

Alison's heart tightened hearing that from Corey. Everyone knows that. Why didn't she get that in her head as well? What do you expect, Alison.

"I'm going to uh... to the bathroom." Alison stood up from her seat heading out from the cafeteria. She went inside one of the bathroom stall over thinking and analyzing about her and Jason.

This is truly frustrating! I think I'm expecting too much. I mean, what can I truly expect from him? He's Jason for goodness sake! And he's so kind. How does he feel towards me? Am I just like the other girls too? The kiss? Does it mean anything to him? Of course not! It was a new year's kiss. Nothing more! Another meaningless kiss! Is it, though? Why is it so complicated!

Overthinking was making her head hurts with all these unsettled questions and decided to wash her face and return back to reality. Just as she walked out of the bathroom, she saw Jason and Layla having a serious conversation at the corner and does not seem to notice her, there were a row of lockers blocking them.

"... just not you, Jay, and you know it." Layla said sternly.

"You know I'm not into relationship, Layla. Stop pushing it." Jason retorted.

"Can't you just let go of Sera? It's-"

"Drop it!" His voice was low but held much threat in it.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I just... I want you to be happy and Alison is..."

"And it doesn't necessarily be by being with her. So, stop pushing!" He brushed his hair to the back, frustrated.

Alison had heard enough and was about to walk away when the Bratz saw her and called.

"Hey, Alison. What are you doing here? Why are you hiding?" Mia asked, gesturing towards Layla and Jason at the back.

"Nothing. I was just returning to-"

"Hey guys. What's going on?" Layla cut standing behind her together with Jason.

"We were just going to the cafeteria and met Ally here. How's you holiday?" Mia asked deliberately not mentioning about her probable eavesdropping, which Ally noted.

"Definitely snooping around." Ivy sneered.

"I was just returning. I didn't mean to-" She was confused how to finish her sentence.

"I'm sure she wasn't trying to listen to your private conversations." Mia said looking at both Layla and Jason.

"I... I gotta get back." Alison opened her mouth looking towards Layla and Jason but refrained and walked away from them.

"Leave, dork. That's what you do best, right? Letting your friends down, while you just walk away." Ivy called back and Alison stopped her step, her back still facing them.

"Oh, bullseye." Amber said in disbelief.

"Alison." Layla called back but she ignored and continued walking away quickening her steps, almost running out of the hallway.

Not into relationship. Not by being with me. Sera? Always let my friends down. Leave. 

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