Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

"Hey Red! How are you? I head you fainted yesterday? What the hell, Red?" Cole was striding his way to Alison at the hallway.

"Hey, you heard about that? Well, I'm fine now. I guess I was not getting enough food in my system." She let out a forced laugh which sounded more like a forced awkward cough.

"Seriously? I don't believe you. Anyhow, might as well get as much food as we can in your system then, come on." He tugged Alison's arm making their way towards the cafeteria, since it was lunch time.

"But-" Before she could respond, they were already walking towards the cafeteria. She was thinking of how to tell him that she would eat with her friends instead of with him without offending him. She was afraid of how Jason would feel about her being with Cole, let alone having lunch together, especially after their heated argument before. As they reached the cafeteria, they went straight for the line where they were met with the pair of eyes ready to stab them with his piercing stare. Jason's.

"What do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?" Jason stood up walking straight towards them.

"Standing in line, queuing for food. That's what we do at the cafeteria." Cole retorted sarcastically.

"I've told you to stay the hell away from her!"

"Alright stop this. I'm sorry you'll have to queue yourself, I'm not hungry." She said sending apologetic look towards Cole and pulled Jason back to his table.

"You don't have to do that, Jason." Alison spoke.

"I know. It's just... it's Cole." He scowled.

"Obviously, there's something you're not telling me here."

"It's nothing. Here, eat mine." He placed the other half sandwich in front of her as he reluctantly let the topic slide and took the sandwich, there was one thing that she was unable to tolerate, an empty stomach.

Alison was walking towards the car workshop after she finished her time at the studio. She saw Jason was working on some car with his sleeveless shirt and jeans, grease on his hands.

"Hi." She called then chuckled looking at his smeared chin as soon as he faces her.


"There. You got a little something. Come here." She walked towards him, wiped away the smeared stain on his chin with her hands.

"Now you got your hands dirty, Ariel." He smirked.

"I don't mind getting dirty."

"No pun intended. Still working on the car?" She quickly added after realizing the double meaning of her sentence.

"Yeah, just give me a few minutes, I'm just finishing up." He turned back to the engine and started twisting his tools on the machine, flexing his muscles once in a while which made him look so damn sexy and made her body feel hot that she fanned her face with her hands unconscientiously, taking in and breathing out deep breaths.

"You okay?" He turned noticing her irregular breathing.

"Yeah. I just feel hot in here, don't you?" She squeaked awkwardly earning him a smirk.

"Guess I'm the one that's too hot." He smirked earning her a crimson tinge to her face that only widen his smirk into a grin.

"Aren't you the cutest when you blush, Ariel." He pointed his greased index finger touching the tip of her nose.

"Hey, you've grease on your hands!" She whined.

"I thought you don't mind getting down and dirty with me. Try not to get over heated, will you? I know I'm desirable." He teased turning back to his attention to the machine turning her cheeks into another shade darker.

Once they were done with dinner, they went to their favorite place by the lake. Sat down there cuddling while looking at the dark sky decorated with sparkling lights.

"Can I ask you a question?" He said trailing his fingers along her arms without him realizing how the simple act made her heart flutter.

"Yeah, shoot."

"What's causing you the panic attacks?"

She took her time thinking of the best possible answer but she was not ready to explain and break the happy bubble that she was in with Jason, she wanted, no she needed him to be with her, just as it is now.

"Just that... maybe I was too sensitive at times. So, sometimes my insecurities get the best of me." She said hesitantly.

"I heard your mom said the other day. Another panic attack and psychiatrist. You've been experiencing these attacks regularly and even consulted to the doctor about it?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's right. You must think I'm a wacko cuckoo now, huh?" She joked hiding her fear on his possible reaction.

"No, I'd never thought of you anything less than what you are. I like you for you, Alison. I just want to try and understand you more but I think there's something that you're hiding from me and I will find that out, Ariel." He simply said making her heart raced.

"What?" She let out a nervous chuckle.

"Can I ask you a question, now?" She pressed.


"What happened between you and Cole, exactly?"

He stayed silent for a moment debating with himself before opening his mouth.

"It was some time ago and learning from it, I just know that he's not a good person in general and that's why I don't like you hanging around with him." He insisted but she knew that he was just explaining around the bush.

"What did he do?"

"Something that you shouldn't be thinking about, just know that I don't want you to be in any trouble around him."

"You'll tell me when you're ready?" She leaned on his shoulders.

"And you'll tell me whatever you're hiding when you're ready?" He tucked her closer and wrap her small frame with his arms.

"Hmm." She leaned taking in his scent, hoping that this illusion would last forever. She thought that she could keep her secrets away from him forever, that she could live in this solace with Jason for as long as it last. She felt at ease being with him, leaning on him, but she knew that she was selfish for hiding this secret which has become a huge part of her now. She just wanted to stay like this, with Jason.

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