Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Monday came earlier than anticipated, Alison was thankful that nothing drastic happened during the Halloween party. She was at her locker when she saw Zoe and Layla walking towards her.

"I hope you had a great weekend. Halloween was awesome as always." Layla chirped.

"I'm glad you enjoyed Halloween, at least my drunken-self did not go in vain, hopefully it somehow contributed to your happiness, Lay."

"She's just happy cause for the first time she gets to kiss Shane, finally." Zoe added, emphasizing on the last word with a drop of sarcasm.

"You what?! And I missed it? Man. So, you guys are officially a thing now? I'm surprised that you guys are not in a relationship yet. You both have known each other for a long time, right?" Alison asked.

"I can answer that for you, cause she's such a coward. He's obviously been fond of her since forever but she was too afraid that he was like that to everyone, and ignored all the damn signs. Until he finally asked her to the dance last homecoming. Then, she finally decided to believe that he actually liked her. Duh." Zoe stated gesturing her finger to her forehead, annoyed.

During lunch time, Alison was walking with her tray when her foot tripped on something causing her to lose balance and spilled her food to the floor.

"Are you, alright?" Amber gave her a wry smile while Mia and Ivy slowly turned to notice what had taken place. Alison could only scoff, annoyed knowing that she purposely tripped her foot but decided to ignore them, so she walked passed them leaving the scattered food on the floor.

"Hey new girl, someone might slip on the mess that you just made, I think you need to clean it up." Ivy proposed innocently.

"You tripped me, deliberately, you clean it." She rebuffed not accepting their impudent behavior.

"You're the one being cloddish but yeah... walk away as you always do." She retorted.

"Oh gosh, the mess. Just inform the janitor." Layla stormed after Alison, with Zoe following behind.

"Accidents happen. It's fine." Layla said.

"Only, it wasn't an accident. she deliberately tripped my foot." Alison grumbled, making Layla's brows to furrowed. 

"Come on, you can have my food. What happened?" Layla pulled her arm to go back to their table.

"Bratz!" Alison scoffed as she took her seat beside Layla.

"What?" Shane asked.

"Bratz. They're acting like such a spoiled little brats. Pretending to be the perfect poised barbie dolls but their attitude sucks. Two-faced dolls. No, they're just ugly fake Bratz." She scoffed.

"Bratz! Like the Bratz dolls." Zoe added as she laughed.

"I knew them to be blunt but they're actually nice, especially Mia." Layla said, her brows still knitted.

"Just forget about them." Zoe tried to calm her down.

"What is their problem anyway? They started it. Ugh!" She was letting off steam just as she saw Jason walking in the cafeteria with his arms on the same blonde girl she saw at the carpark. Looking at her, she really was beautiful, they even looked perfect together. Trying to take no notice of them, she focused on her phone trying to engage in the group conversation but she cannot help ease her curiosity but steal a glimpse of them again. Surprised, he was even buying her food. I didn't know he could be that cordial. Trying her best to ignore them, she focused back to Zoe.

"Yeah, it was just a few minutes' drive. I've been there a couple of times but it was too peaceful and quiet for my taste." She explained.

"What? Where?" Alison loved nature and the peace it brought her. She used to have a favorite spot by the bay back at her hometown where she would often visit whenever she needed some time alone. She enjoyed watching the waves crashes whilst pondering on everything that's going on in her life or simply drowning herself in her own thoughts. Since, she moved here, she was unfamiliar with the place and was hoping to find the perfect sanctuary.

"I'll send you the location, it's about twenty minutes-drive there but it truly is serene and if you love nature, that's the perfect place for you. Not many people go there, it's pretty secluded. Again, not a place for me." Zoe elaborated.

"Great. Please do text me the location."

A few days had passed and Alison was clearing her study table, unboxing the black box pouring out the contents onto the floor. She took the letters, the cards, the handmade wrist bands, the bracelet and the piles of pictures one by one, contemplating on each one of them.

I can't call her. I can't meet her. I can't let her know I missed her. I miss my best friend...

She then remembered about the place that Zoe shared to her and decided to go to that place. Putting on a casual T-shirt over blue jeans, letting her long auburn hair to fall graciously over her shoulder and decided to leave the glasses at home. She went downstairs and saw her mother by the kitchen counter flipping through a cooking magazine.

"Hey Ally-dear, are you going somewhere?" Her mother asked.

"Yeah just going for a ride, don't wait for me. I'll get my own dinner mom." She explained.

"Are you alright dear? You look awfully gloomy today. Just know that I'm here if you need someone to talk, okay? Eventually, we all have to move on with life. You've new friends who are amazing. Zoe, Layla and even that Jason, they all seemed really nice, dear. Remember that you are an amazing friend, always has been. I am proud to have such an amazing daughter and remember that I love you very much, Ally-dear." Her mother expressed her words of wisdom to her daughter.

"Yes mom, thanks. I appreciate it and I love you too." She hugged her mother and went on a drive to the Lake. After following the google map to the destined location, she parked her white Chevrolet Blazer on the empty parking space and started walking along the path covered in dried leaves as the trees shed during this fall preparing for the cold winter season in another month. The walk was short until it led to an open spaced park with a few empty rusted benches overlooking the serenity of the lake. The wind occasionally bustled about causing the rippling effect on the water. Breathing in the fresh air, she took a seat at the bench between the trees overlooking the huge lake and the grove of trees. Taking out her headphones, she placed over her head and lifted her knee to her chest looking over the calm water. Minutes or even hour had passed, she did not notice that the sky was getting darker but she stayed, not ready to leave the peaceful haven. Lost in her own thoughts in this serenity.

"JESUS!" She shrieked in terror as she felt something tapped her shoulder. She turned her head and was relieved to see a person standing behind her, but was shocked to meet the familiar person in this secluded place.

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