Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"So how was your date, Zoe? Spill it." Layla insisted placing her food tray on the table.

"Oh my gosh! It was great! It was perfect. He picked me up from home, took me to this Italian restaurant and we watched a movie together. He was really funny and sweet. Gosh, he's perfect." She sighed daydreaming.

"That's amazing. So, when are you going to introduce him to us?" Alison asked taking a spoonful of the mash potato.

"Soon." She grinned widely radiating joy from within her. Just then, a tall boy approached their table grabbing Zoe by the waist from behind.

"Hey gorgeous." He said making Zoe blushed.

"Girls, this is Tristan, Tristan, these are Layla and Alison." Zoe said sheepishly.

"Hey. Right, I just wanted to say hi. I'm going to go and get food now. See you around." He winked leaving her breathless as he stood and walked towards the queue.

"Well. That's random." Layla stated to Zoe who was still trying to silence her squeals.

"And how did your date go, Ally?" Layla raised her eyebrow towards Alison.

"It was good." She tried to hide her excitement and the huge grin that forced its way out.

"Good? With that huge grin plastered on your face, I doubt it was just good. Come on, I know you're dying to tell us."

"Alright, fine. It was amazing, actually." She blurted out and continued to spill her story with much excitement and glee.

The next few days went on with Zoe spending more time with Tristan and Alison with Jason. He had been driving her to the studio regularly after school, followed by dinner and a few visits to the lake.

Alison was walking in the hallway when she saw Layla looking a little different than her usual self. She quickly caught up and asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine." Layla replied without realizing that a tear had slipped through.

"Come on, Layla. Tell me what's wrong. You're definitely not fine. Is it Shane?" Alison asked which made her tears to leak further.

"Hey, what happened? Did you guys get into a fight? You know it's fine to fight once in a while, just try to talk it out calmly and rationally."

"It's like we've been fighting a lot and I don't know what to do about it. I'm just scared that he's bored with me or something." She expressed just as the bell rang.

"You've known each other for such a long time, I doubt that he's bored, Layla. You know what, maybe you both needed space from each other since you're always together like all the time. Let's just have a girls' night tonight, we can go to my place? What do you say?" She offered.


Layla and Zoe were coming to Alison's place to catch a movie while Shane, Jason and Corey will be going out for their boys' night out. The doorbell rang, Alison opened the door to see her two friends already in their onesie and pajamas while Alison was also in her lavender silk pajama and shorts. They ordered pizza followed by watching a sad movie of The Fault in Our Stars making a mess of the living room floor with their tissues. They continued going to Alison's room putting on face mask and talked about boys.

"He's just so busy lately but he complaint that I was the one who was busy. In the end, we always end up in a fight. I'm tired of fighting, I just want to spend time cuddling while watching, just with him." Layla continued.

"I think you both just needed to talk it out with clear heads. Don't talk in the heat of the moment, it'll just makes things worst. Shane cares so much about you, Layla, and so do you." Alison took off her sliced cucumber from her eyes, taking a peek towards her friend who was sitting with her arms wrapped around herself.

"I hope that I could have a relationship as good as yours, Lay. Don't you know how long he actually waited for you? Years, Lay. I don't think he'd jeopardize it for a lame reason." Zoe added.

"Yeah. Don't overthink too much about it." Alison took her buzzing phone and continued typing.

"Exactly, who have you been texting with the whole night? Even Tristan doesn't text me." Zoe vexed.

"No one. Just those forwarded messages." She lied. She had been texting with Jason, exchanging information on what Layla and Shane were doing the whole time.

We're still here, apparently Corey doesn't want to go home just yet while Shane is still debating whether to go to your place or not.


Yeah and Layla just can't stop telling us how much she misses Shane. It's not even 24hours.



Waited for a few minutes but there was no reply from him. The girls continued washing their faces and decided to make hot chocolate in the kitchen. Once they were downstairs, Alison heard rustling from the front porch. Curious and worried, she peeked through the side window, startled and quickly opened the door to see Jason, Shane and Corey standing outside her door who also seemed to be shocked when the door suddenly opened before they even pressed the doorbell.

"Shane? What are you doing here?" Layla said from behind her.

"I uh... I wanted to see you." He said as Layla walked towards him and stood by the front porch.

"Come on in, I'll make you guys hot chocolate while they talk." Alison invited Jason and Corey.

"Damn newbie, you look different without your glasses, with your hair down and without your usual sweatshirt."

"Oh." "Take your eyes away from her, Corndog." Alison and Jason responded simultaneously, she had forgotten about how she looked with her short shorts and fitted pajamas before she opened the door, while Jason took a step in front of Alison after he smacked Corey's head. Somehow, she felt more self-cautious with Jason in her presence, the way he would steal glances towards her gave her chills, the insides of her stomach were busy doing somersaults. They sat by the kitchen bar sipping hot chocolate that Alison made for them when Layla and Shane walked inside the house already in each other's arms.

"Well, that's a good sight there. Kiss and make up, already?" Zoe commented raising her eyebrows teasing them and they joined getting each a cup of hot chocolate. They spent the next few hours talking in her kitchen before the boys left them to continue their girls' sleep over.

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