Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"Congratulations, Al! I'm glad that you got the part. You've been working so hard for it and you do deserve it." Leah hugged Alison.

"Thanks, and I'm sorry about what happened. I really am. About the whole thing. It wasn't fair that he dismissed you just like that. You're an amazing dancer who should be given another chance."

"It's fine. So how are you feeling now that you got the part that you've always wanted?"

"My stomachs in knots, actually." Alison sighed laying herself on the bed feeling content that she had been chosen as one of the dancers for the Annual Ballet Performance which was a prominent event.

"You're an incredible dancer, Alison. Of course, you'd do great. I suppose you'll be spending much time with the rehearsals, huh?" Leah sat at the edge of her bed twisting the lace from the edge of her shirt.

"I know I might be busier but I'll still try to come here after rehearsal and we will keep on the update each day, right? I'd still be here whenever you need me." She sat up and gave her friend a big hug.

Alison dragged herself out of the bed getting ready for work after she left school early this morning and avoided Layla's call since then. She was not ready to talk, she does not want to hear nor talk about anything else but just hide under the cover and mope alone in her bed.

Off she drove and walked into the studio where she was greeted by the warm Mrs. Alby. She changed into her ballet clothes and waited for the kids to arrive. After much deliberation, she resolved to continue teaching part time after school for a couple of times a week. After she finished teaching two classes of the day, she decided to use this opportunity to let her emotions flow through dancing. Playing Sad Song by We The King featuring Elena Coats seemed like the perfect song for her current emotions. She swayed rhythmically to the music mixing ballet with contemporary dance moves pouring her souls and emotions that has been building up since the incident almost a year ago. She did a grand jeté as warm droplets fell from her eyes, feeling the lump in her throat that she had been trying to suppressed deep within her.

Leah. I missed you so much, you have no idea. There're so many things that I wanted to tell you, how I wish to just be able to talk to you. I tried to move on but it seemed that I'm stuck yet again. I messed up big time in the past and it seemed that all I could do is make a mess of things. I've made Layla and Jason, the two amazing people that made my life a little brighter, mad at each other all because of me. I feel so lost right now. I really am such a terrible friend. I've made you suffer, I've caused you so much pain and... I just wanted to talk to you. I really miss you so much, Leah.

Alison crumbled to the floor, her cheeks covered with hot tears just as the song ended. She broke down sobbing when she felt gentle arms wrapped around her endless shaking.

"It's perfectly fine to be lost at times. It's alright to cry your hearts out. You don't have to always be strong, it's alright to crumble and let it all out. Just remember that there are always people who truly sincerely care about you whether you realize it or not. You are not alone, dear. Whatever the problem, eventually you will get past it. The perks of hitting rock bottom is that the only way is to go up, things will get better. The question is how you deal with the problem." Madam Moreau held her closer until her sobbing subsided.

It was already the end of the week, the past few days had passed quickly by burying herself in school work and teaching. Layla asked her a few times what happened or what did she hear but Alison denied hearing anything and was simply passing by. However, it was clear that Jason had been avoiding her ever since Monday. During the times that they met, like in the class, they would simply greet and went on doing their own thing. Although she did feel him watching her at times.

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