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~Damian's P.O.V~

I let out a loud, irritated, groan as my phone lit up for the 10th time in the past 5 minutes.

"What is it, father?!" I hiss, as I finally accept the call.

"I have an important job and I need you to do it." his stern tone, simply replies.

"What in hell's name do you need me for? You have enough vampires who serve under you and plenty of other children to do your dirty work?" I retort, my fists clenching with irritation.

"Your right. I have plenty of people. Unfortunately, none of which I can trust with this. So, please, save me your attitude for another day and let's get to business, shall we?" my father, managing to bite his own temper, retorts sternly.

I clench my teeth together, contemplating his words.

"Fine." I mutter.

"Wonderful. Prepare a room, I'll be there soon." he replies, hanging up before I can even respond.

"Asshole." I mutter, as I run a frustrated hand through my hair.

Leaving my room, I make my way upstairs where I find my most trusted friends, all seated around our living room, watching a movie.

"We need to talk." I state, shutting the TV off as I plop down on a free armchair.

"Hey! That was my favorite part!" Crimson whines, making me roll my eyes.

"Mine too." Salem mumbles.

"What's wrong?" Beau asks.

"My father is on his way... he has a job for me." I reply curtly.

"What kind of job?" Beau asks, and I shrug my shoulders.

"Fuck knows. All he said was to prepare a room and that it was important. Fucking asshole hung up before I could even ask anything else." I retort, clenching my fists to try and keep my cool.

"Alright. How about you and Lucien go out for a hunt, the rest of us will get a room and the house ready for his arrival." Beau suggests calmly.

I shoot him a curt nod.

"Come on, man. Let's go blow off some steam." Lucien states, coming towards me and giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

~Alayna's P.O.V~

"Alayna, sweetheart! Come here, please." my adoptive father, Alexander, calls for me.

"Coming!" I reply, knowing they can already hear me thanks to their vampire hearing.

I quickly leave my room and make my way downstairs where both my adoptive fathers, Alexander and Seth are sitting with my adoptive uncle, Roman, who also happened to be the king of the vampire realm we lived in.

"Hello, uncle!" I greet brightly.

"Hello, Alayna. Take a seat... there's something we must discuss." he replies, and a small frown pulls at my lips in worry.

I sit down next to Seth, who gently wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"What I'm about to tell you...will be upsetting, but please try to stay calm." Roman begins to tell me.

"I am here today, to take you on a little trip. You're going to go and stay with a small group of people, one of which I trust very much. This place is no longer safe and a war is coming our way. The only thing I can do now is send you to stay with my most trusted child. Between him and his most trusted and very powerful friends, you will be safe. He lives in an area, rarely travelled, and should any danger find you, they will be strong enough to protect you." he tells me, and all the air leaves my lungs.

"Breathe, sweetie." Seth tries to soothe me.

My body feels cold, yet a burning sensation is slowly building within me as millions of thoughts begin racing through my mind. My hands begin to clench as fear and sadness quickly turns into pure anger and it's taking every ounce of me not to lash out at the people around me.

"I'm. Not. Going." I force out sternly, through clenched teeth.

"Alayna, you need to think logically, not emotionally. I wouldn't be doing this, if I didn't have to. I've spent too many years trying to protect you and help you live a normal life. Now, I'm asking you to collect yourself and come with me willingly for the sake of your life, because believe me when I tell you the alternative will be worse than death." Roman states sternly, but calmly.

"I really think one of us should go with her..." Seth mumbles, but Roman quickly shoots him a glare.

"I will not explain for a third time why that is not going to happen." he sneers, annoyed at Seth.

I put my head in my hands, as my head begins to ache from the stress and strong emotions coursing through me that I was desperately trying to keep under control.

How the hell was I going to get out of this one?

I racked my brain trying to think of something, pushing through the throbbing pain until an idea finally comes to mind.

"Can I at least say goodbye to my friends first?" I ask, starting to calm down.

"I'll give you three hours to say your goodbyes and pack some stuff to take with you." Roman replies, and I let out a small sigh of relief.

3 hours I could work with.

"Thank you." I tell him.

I make my way back up to my room and quickly send a text to the only two friends I actually care about before beginning to pack my stuff. Once I'm finished, I make my way back down to see both my adoptive fathers waiting for me.

"You know... we could all leave and start together somewhere new. Away from the war and whatever danger is coming..." I tell them, as Seth pulls me into a tight hug.

"If it were that easy, we would already be on our way." he replies sadly.

As we pull away, Alexander takes me into his arms.

"We love you so much, Alayna... and no matter what happens, you will always be our daughter and you will always have a home with us." he begins to tell me.

"I know this is hard to understand, but believe me when I tell you, we are all trying to keep you safe. There's so much we need to tell you... so much to prepare you for... and these people... they can help you... and when the war is finished... and it's safe again, you will return to us." he finishes, giving me one last squeeze before letting me go.

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