Chapter 11

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"All right, that's enough for today." Levi states, as I struggle to stay on my feet.

"No... I can keep going..." I begin to debate, but he stops me.

"You have accomplished more then most can in a day. If you keep pushing yourself, you're just going to black out and need more time to recover. If we stop now, you can rest up and we can train again tomorrow. Remember what Beau said, this isn't a race." Levi tells me, as he steps towards me.

"Fine." I grumble in agreeance.

With his help, we make our way back to the house where Beau and Lucien are both standing on the deck waiting for us.

"I got us a rental close to downtown until the pipes get fixed. Obviously, the location isn't ideal considering our situation, but it was the only one big enough to house us all. Crimson and Salem packed your bags and have already headed over with Damian. We are going to go meet them now." Beau tells us, as Lucien eagerly took me from Levi.

Despite his eagerness being a bit strange. My body was too tired and sore to complain, and I couldn't help but let out a small sigh as he scooped me up off my feet and began to carry me back through the house.

"You know...if you wanted me to carry you around, you could of just asked. No need to push your body beyond its limits." Lucien teases, and all I can do is roll my eyes at him.

We make our way out to an SUV and Lucien sets me in the backseat next to him, and I rest my head on his shoulder before drifting off to sleep.


I wake up to the sound of the car door shutting and opening my eyes to see us parked in front of fair sized light blue house.

"Come on, sleepy head. Let's get you inside." Lucien chuckles, before sliding out of the car and reaching out to give me a hand out.

As soon as the door shuts behind me, I look around to see multiple buildings surrounding us and people all around. Right off the bat, I notice a bar straight across the street and can't help but grin with excitement before noticing a couple restaurants and a cute little boutique.

"Don't even think about it, Princess. You're in no state to be going out and about here." Beau states, noticing my gaze.

My grin instantly turns into a displeased frown as I turn my eyes towards him.

"Oh, come on. I just went through hell. I think the least you can do is let me go and enjoy some stuff here." I argue.

"Not until you learn to keep your abilities in check." he simply retorts, before turning and walking into the house making me groan in frustration.


Guess I would be sneaking out alone, instead of bringing one of them along.

"He's just trying to watch out for you. We all are." Lucien tries to reason with me, but I simply ignore him and make my way inside.

Crimson greets me and leads me to my room which had its own ensuite bathroom, and I eagerly jump into the shower and clean myself up before just standing and basking in the warmth of the water until it starts to run cold.

Once I'm dry and dressed, I make my way downstairs where I join the group for some pizza. I eat one slice... then another... and as I reach for my third, I notice all eyes on me.

"Hungry?" Lucien jokes.

"Starving." I retort, with complete seriousness.

"All that training worked up her appetite." Levi remarks.

I eat and eat, but the feeling of hunger never eases and before I know it, my stomach feels like it's about to burst.

"Are you okay, Angel? You don't look so good..." Salem asks worriedly.

Too embarrassed and confused to admit the truth, I lie.

"Yes... just so full. I think I'll turn in for the night if that's okay." I reply, forcing a reassuring smile despite the fact that I felt just as hungry as I did when I started... if not more.

"Did you want me to walk you to your room?" Lucien asks, but I shake my head.

"I'm fine, thanks. I'll see you all in the morning." I state, before getting up and setting my dishes in the sink.

I try not to leave too fast as to not rise suspicion, but I also don't linger and head straight back to my room.

I didn't know what to do with myself.

Part of me felt like if I ate another piece of food, I was surely going to be sick, yet another part of me felt like it had been weeks since I had eaten.

I was starving.... but not for food.

I didn't know what it was... but I couldn't shake it and I wasn't ready to communicate it.

They were already worried about me keeping my abilities in check. How was I supposed to bring up a foreign hunger for something that wasn't food? They would surely lock me up then.

I let out a loud groan, as I begin to pace around the room.

Noticing bright lights through my window, I step closer and see the bar across the street all lit up with a bunch of different individuals standing outside of it. Some smoking alone, some in pairs. Others are making their way in and out of the building and I take in each and every appearance, trying to read their body language and expressions.

The longer I watch, the more I begin to crave to join in.

Completely forgetting about my hunger problem, and the fact that I could be caught at any moment. I begin shuffling through my bags before pulling out a sexy yet comfortable outfit and my make up.

I quickly but quietly do my make up, fix up my hair and change before making my way into the bathroom. I turn the shower on full force with cold water, hoping it will drown out the sound of the window as I crack it open.

I pull out the screen, gently setting it on the floor before climbing out of the window. Something I was all too familiar with as I had done it several times while living with my fathers. I take in my surroundings and to my relief I instantly notice an old looking fire escape ladder. I cautiously move down the ledge of the window and carefully reach out until I can grab onto the ladder before making my way down it.

As soon as my feet hit the ground, I rush away from the house, cutting off traffic as I dart across the street and quickly blend myself into a group of people going into the bar.

The second I step inside, the most intoxicating delicious smell begins to fill my nose. I try to follow it, but it feels like its coming from all around me and all I can do is wander around until I notice a young couple getting hot and heavy on the dancefloor.

I begin to step towards them, the smell becoming stronger with each step and as soon as I reach them, I am completely overwhelmed by how... delicious... they smell... and fuck. I was hungry.

So fucking hungry.

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