Chapter 13

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~Alayna's P.O.V~

-A couple hours earlier-

I ran and ran until I was completely out of breath, before sitting under a large tree and leaning my back against it. My knees pulled up into my chest and for the first time in hours, I let the sobs come tumbling out of me. I was full of fear and confusion... but more then anything, guilt.

So, so much guilt.

The events played before my eyes, reminding me of the horrible deeds I had done.

I approached the young couple... instantly engulfed in the blissful intoxicating smell around them. I had locked eyes with each one of them, and they both eagerly invited me to dance with them, so I did.

Our hands roamed each other's bodies as we danced and with every touch, I could feel their desire, their lust and most of all their shared passion for one another. The feelings were so strong, so intense, they felt like they were my own even though deep down in the back of my mind I knew they weren't.

I felt drunk without even having a drop of alcohol. Their scent was driving me wild and all I knew was that I wanted it. I didn't know exactly what I wanted, all I knew was that it was them that was going to give it to me.

As the song ended, I took each of their hands and led them to a corner lounge which could barely be seen by the dim lighting. I sat between them, trailing my hands up each of their legs till I reached their most intimate areas.

One as hard as a rock, and the other dripping wet... they were so aroused, so ready and fuck I wanted them.

I wanted to be connected with them... but in a way that was foreign to me.

My mind was so hazy... so overwhelmed and blinded by my senses, I barely could comprehend what was happening.

With one hand pumping the hard cock next to me and the other fingering the wetness on the other side, I took turns kissing the both of them before encouraging them to fuck next to me. The girl wasted no time and easily moved and straddled her lover and within seconds he was pounding into her.

I kneeled next to them, my hands cupping each of their necks as we alternated between kissing one another. Their passion and desire for one another was something out of this world and with each kiss, it poured into me. Lustful kisses, turned into hungry needy ones as I didn't want to release either one of them.

As soon as the male reached his climax, I felt a surge of energy and fullness begin to fill me... and for the first time, the hunger I could not shake began to ease... and I eagerly turned to the girl to catch her as she met her own climax.

As soon as she did though, all the feelings of desire, lust, and passion suddenly vanished. Part of me felt disappointed, as I was still wanted more... but the other part of me felt rejuvenated, powerful and somewhat full. I no longer felt tired, sore or starving and I felt ready to take on the world.

A small frown pulled at my lips as I noticed the male slumped to the side with the girl slumped onto of him. Neither moved but I simply assumed they were just utterly exhausted from the combination of alcohol and a good fuck, so I walked away.

I didn't understand what happened but what I did know was that it filled me up and I was still so hungry. So, I made my way to the bar... I got a drink and flirted with the younger bartender and as I began to see the lust growing in his eyes, I encouraged him to take me somewhere private. A quick fuck and another fill had me craving more and more.

My hunger was nearly completely gone... but the power I was feeling from each one had me craving more. I was going to be unstoppable by the time I was done. No one would get in my way and any danger that came my way would be obliterated. If I kept it up, I would be able to go home in no time.

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