Chapter 2

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Mal POV.

When I walked into my dorm I saw Evie sitting there with a suspicious face. She jumped up from her bed and said " Mal we have an emergency Ben is getting suspicious of you he said you were on the phone but I gathered it was probably Maddie and Mason so I kinda just brushed if of but,...........yeah" I gave a fake laugh and a big smile and said "Oh no, we're in trouble" she gave a half-smile and pulled me down to sit on her bed then she burst out with " what are you going to tell him then?" I stared at her blankly for a few seconds and then shouted "No" Evie looked at me with her disappointed face and said "you know you have to tell him at some point he's gonna find out" I looked at her with disbelief and said " Evie you don't understand how hard my life is and I don't want to mess it up now when I'm doing so good"

I started crying and leaned my head on her shoulder wiping my tears away, then I said " Evie, I was 11" then more tears came flooding through my eyes and all she said was "I know". Out of nowhere, Ben came in the room he said "you know I listened to your conversation" I shouted "BEN JUST GO AWAY" tears were still rushing through my eyes, more so now than ever. Ben then put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up and said in a sweet and innocent voice "Mal I'm sorry, but I really want to know what's going on with you at the moment making suspicious phone calls, Evie knowing about the phone call, who are Maddie and Mason, and most of all I want to know what happened when you were 11 that's made you this upset" I stared into his eyes  gave a sweet smile and said "Ben" he nodded  my smile faded "you won't understand, I don't want you to get angry or, you know, go all beast on me" he looked shocked Evie shouted "MAL, Why don't you just tell him now get it over and done with" I stood up and started yelling and screaming " EVIE if anyone else in Auradon other than me, you, Jay and Carlos knew everyone would think I'm some sort of slut, even though you know what happened" Evie calmed down a bit " and pulled me into a hug we were both crying and she said "but if you just tell Ben I'm sure he will understand"

I turned around to see Ben looking at us and he said "I would never think of you as anything other than the Mal from Auradon, I will never think of your past because we all have pasts and we all regret things, Mal just please tell me" I shouted "No, it wasn't my fault I was forced" he looked at me confused and I just ran out the room, I ran all the way to the enchanted lake.

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