Chapter 5

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Ben POV. (Aged 11)

I was walking down the main corridor to Mum and Dad's room suddenly a tornado-like shape of magic pulled me from the ground I shouted for my parents they came running and so did Fairy Godmother, suddenly I was no longer in the castle I was sitting on the floor down a dark alleyway I think it was the isle of the lost. I decided that I was going to look around, so I did. I kept my head down, I wasn't wearing very typical clothing it seemed from everyone else so I stood out. I began to run and soon found somewhere to hide where nobody was. What I didn't realize was that someone followed me.

I looked behind me and I saw a shadow. A girl came out from behind a wall, she didn't look very healthy and she was very pale. She had these beautiful green eyes and dark purple hair. I looked at her and smiled she said, " let me guess, not from here?" I laughed and said sarcastically "how could you tell?" she gave a half-smile. We were just looking at each other for a minute, then she said "so...... you need some help" I looked at her confused, and said, " why would you help me you don't even know me?" she just looked embarrassed then and she said, " I might be evil but I do feel pity, it would be a shame for you to die on your first day wouldn't it?" she gave me a look and turned around and slowly walked away then I shouted, "No wait" that got her attention she turned back around and said, "yes?" I looked at her in the eyes that were now glowing a vibrant green and said "I do need help, to survive, and get home, back to Auradon" she rolled her eyes and said, "please I've been stuck here my whole life there is no way out, you know what I didn't even do anything wrong" I looked at her disappointed then she said, "but, I can still give you that help?" I nodded and said, " thanks" she looked disgusted and she said, "first of all drop the thank you, then drop the please to, let go of emotion, you won't need it here, and most of all fight for yourself, that means no sharing and kindness, you got that" I nodded then said, " but you were just kind weren't you?" she rolled her eyes and ignored the comment.

For some reason, I felt a connection to her. Out of nowhere, she said "for future reasons we shouldn't know each other's name" stupidly I nodded I then asked, "well what should we call each other then?" she answered with "well you can call me Girl and ill call you Girl" I agreed. Whilst discussing that we were walking and she stopped and threw a stone, Suddenly a secret door opened. Which led to her hang out. There was a box with her and some of her friend's clothes she passed me some leathers, which were mainly yellow and red. I think there was a snake on the back but I couldn't be sure. I got changed in another room and then we left.

(2 and a half months later)

Girl has been looking after me for a long time now, she has been protecting me from people and if they wanted to hurt me she beat them up. It seemed clear that people were afraid of her. She didn't want to admit it to herself but she was extremely kind, but she hid that side of her from others. She has taught me how to protect myself a bit, and she has given me tips on stealing. I stole my first thing and it was a polaroid camera. No one knew how to use it, except me so I showed Girl and we took a picture. There was only enough ink for one so we ripped it in half I kept the half of her and she kept the half of me.

We were walking down the street and everyone started running, she whispered in my ear "run" so I did but I knew better than to follow her so I went in the opposite direction, but I was grabbed and taken into a large building. That's when I saw a woman in the room, she had horns, she slowly turned around. It was the mistress of Evil herself. Maleficent.

When I realized it was Maleficent I tried to escape, but her minions had a tight grip of me. Then she said, "I will let you go free if you do something for me " stupidly I nodded and said "anything" she looked at me with a mischievous smile, and then she cackled. She then shouted "Anything?" I looked at her confused and then she said "well if you do what I say then I will let you go, but if you don't I will kill you and your family" I hesitantly nodded and she once again cackled and looked me in the eyes and said, "ok then, well, the girl you have been hanging around with, rape her" I wanted to save my family so I agreed, then she let me go.

I was walking down the street when Girl found me and I slowly lead her towards her hang out. No one was there so I decided it was time, I pushed her against the sofa, I felt so bad. She was shouting and screaming but no one came for her. Once I decided it was enough I got of her and changed into my clothes, well her friend's clothes, and left.

After that day I was too scared to talk to her I was embarrassed and ashamed. It was also my first time so I don't even know if I did it right. She kept coming up to me to talk but I ignored her, but one time it sounded really important so I was about to listen when was pulled away by magic, and in no time I was back in Auradon, in my castle. It turns out Fairy Godmother found a spell to get me back without breaking the barrier and letting the villans or their kids out. All I had on me was the clothes I had on and the photo of Girl.

Everyone rushed over to me and tried to clear me up. I had a shower and locked the photo away somewhere secret. My father chucked out the leathers and they told me to forget about it. I could forget about it, but I couldn't forget about her. I didn't tell anyone what happened there and didn't plan on it either.

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