Chapter 3

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Mal POV.

I was sitting at the enchanted lake. I had 17 missed calls and 57 messages, but only one message caught my eye. Evie texted that if I didn't call her back she would tell him herself. As soon as I saw that message I called Evie. She answered and all she said was "come back or I'm telling him" then she ended the call so I ran back crying my eyes out.

When I got into the dorm I saw Evie, Jay, Carlos, Ben, and Belle. I quickly wiped my tears away. Belle pulled me into a hug I embraced it when we let go of each other she asked if i wanted to talk privately. I nodded, tears were still forming in my eyes and I was trying to hold them back but as soon as me and Belle were in her office and the door was locked, I fell to the floor bursting with tears, she came over to me and sat on the floor next to me. I rested my head on her shoulder, and she stroked my hair. Out of nowhere, Belle said " you know I always wanted a daughter, and I want to be that for you, your mother. I know it's not biological, but I will treat you like my own okay" I looked up and smiled and all I said was "I would love for you to be my mother"

Belle kept stroking my hair she looked down at me and said "do you wanna talk" suddenly I sat up I wiped my tears and nodded. I blurted out "please don't be mad or angry," she said "never" we both gave a slight smile. My smile faded and I started " So you probably know that my childhood wasn't the easiest" I paused and in that time Belle said "yes Evie, Jay, and Carlos told me you were abused, but they didn't know to what extent" I looked at her as tears started to form in my eyes " yes well they didn't see much of what happened, and I tried to hide most things from them, I told myself that the pain made me stronger. Oh, I was wrong" Belle stopped me and said "can I ask what are some of the things she did" I nodded "do you want to hear some of the worst things she did?" I looked down and she took my hand and said "if that's ok"

I started again "well besides from hitting me all the time and burning me and all other physical stuff there were 4 things that she did that were horrible that stuck out, first it was at dinner, every night I had to give my dinner to anyone else because I didn't deserve it and i had to tell everyone I just wasn't hungry, second was when she would lock me in a pitch-black room for 3 days at a time with no food drink or sunlight, not that there was much on the isle anyway after the 3 days were up she would give me a slice of moldy bread and force me to be sick,  she also had something that she called TK, no one knew what it meant but me and mother, it stood for The Knife and I'm sure you can guess what she did to me with that, but the worst" at this point, Belle was crying her eyes out and tears were just rolling down my face.

I continued with "....the worst thing she did was................ she got paid............... and let men.................. do stuff to me" she pulled me into a hug and she looked really worried for some reason  " anyway my mum had been doing this stuff to me even before I could talk, but there was one person who I thought i could trust, but he betrayed me too, let me explain" at this point Belle was in tears from what she was hearing from me "It was a normal day on the isle  Jay and I were  going out and stealing food and when we got back Carlos and Evie had made a machine and they thought it could break the barrier, so we tried it, it did something alright, for a split second mother had her powers back, she could have escaped the isle then broken the barrier, but no, she bought a boy over from Auradon, I didn't know that she did that until I saw him in the streets, I tried to protect him from people that were trying to hurt him, we agreed not to tell our names so we wouldn't say anything about each other to anyone, we new each other for about 2 and a half month's, then one day" i couldn't even finish my sentence the tears took over Belle wiped my tears away and once again i continued " day....... my mother told him to rape me,..................... so he did................."

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