Chapter 4

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Mal POV.

I was terrified of what Belle was thinking did she think I was a slag a hore a slut, but she just pulled me into a hug. She was comforting me like no one else ever had, could this be what a mother is supposed to be like? She wiped the tears from my eyes, we were still sitting on the floor at this point and she holding me so tightly, but I didn't want it to stop, I just wanted to be there with her in this time of need then she said, "Mal you are so brave, to have gone through all that as a child, I never would have been strong enough to go through that, and just so you know I'm not thinking anything bad of you, because it's not your fault, and I love you like you are one of my own, please don't forget that" I couldn't help but cry with tears of happiness no one except Ben has told me they loved me and have accepted me like this " Belle there's more" she looked jaw dropped you could see the shock in her face but she said, "anything you feel you can say, say, whatever happens in my office stays here okay" I nodded and continued " a couple of days later this boy still hadn't gone back to Auradon, but he was ignoring me. At this point, I didn't care he had used me just like all the rest, but this was different. First of all, he was my age, and second, he never paid my mother. A week after he did it to me, I began to get very sick my mother didn't care I ran to the only hospital on the isle, it was very unhygienic and disgusting, most people died even if they were in the hospital I got there had a check-up and this girl not too much older than me was the nurse she was lovely and we became friends and she seemed to care for my health her name was C.J and she told me I was pregnant" I paused and Belle was once again stroking my hair and holding me close.

When I felt I could I continued "then the news came that it was twins" I looked at her for reassurance and resumed " she gave me this picture and she showed me what was going on and where the babies were, I instantly fell in love with them even though I was at the young age of 11. He was still on the island at this point, I tried my best to tell him but suddenly a blast of magic from Auradon pulled him away. I was devastated, but the twins were my key, I moved into my own place, Evie, Jay, and Carlos wanted to come to so I let them. I escaped the abuse because I got pregnant. Now you may be wondering where they are my twins, Maddie and Mason are being looked after on the isle by C.J I call them whenever I can and they are 5 years old. I miss them so much" Belle was crying her eyes out and so was I then she said, "but you don't know how to tell Ben?" I nodded "I wanted to bring them here to Auradon with me but the rules clearly stated only us 4, but I would do whatever it takes to have them here with me" she understood exactly what I was saying and then she said, " Mal I have an Idea you could tell this to Fairy Godmother because she is the one that controls the barrier and who goes in and out, not Ben, Fairy Godmother can let the twins and your other friend come off the isle and you could tell people they are your siblings until you feel you can tell people they are your children" she gave me a reassuring look and I had a huge smile on my face and hugged her then in her ear I whispered, "thank you Mum" she gave me a light kiss on my forehead.

With Belle, I felt safe, like I could trust her, even with my life.

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