Chapter 13

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Evie POV.

We slowly walked through this beautiful forest until we saw a house. I never thought it would be this easy, I was questioning why the guards have never found her. I also thought ben said they checked the forest. Unless the guards were too scared to check the forbidden forest, babies. This is so beautiful and I don't see and bears coming to eat me alive.

We went up to the door and I gave a light knock, but Jay was being so impatient that he banged on the door as loud as possible. Then I saw Adam at the door. Bens dad! He looked shocked, then I said, "Where's my sister?" He looked at me confused and said, "you have a sister?" I gave him a look and shouted, "MAL"  I could tell he was hiding something but he tried to stay cool whilst he said, "I haven't seen Mal, I heard from Ben she went missing, I know we moved out so they could have some space but we love it here and honestly don't want to move back" 

Jay and Carlos and I all looked at each other and smiled knowing this was all a story then Jay said, "Can we see Belle please" He smiled and you could see the dread in Adam's eyes and he said in an annoyed voice, "sure" He then shouted, "Belle! can you come to the door, please!" she came running with a glass in her hand. When she saw us she dropped the glass and it shattered into pieces, her mouth was wide open then she said, "hi, we weren't expecting visitors are you here for a reason?" she stood at the door with Adam and blocked it so we couldn't even see in there.

Then a small child started pushing through there legs appeared and not long followed by Mal. We all stood there looking at each other for a couple of minutes until..........

Thanks to @NicoleBelle930 for the suggestion!

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