Chapter 11

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Ben POV.

Mal was online! She was reading my messages, I didn't know what to do. I dropped my phone and when I picked it up, I sent, Hi. Why was I so stupid, I could have asked how she was or where was she, but no. I said hi. Then she went offline. Great.

I ran to Jay and Carlos's dorm Evie was there too and told them everything. I heard Evie mutter under her breath, "you get what you deserve" I knew exactly what she said but I said, "What did you say, Evie" then she mumbled with sarcasm, "nothing, your highness". Since Mal left I have noticed Evie, Jay, and Carlos have been a bit off with me,  and so have my parents and Fairy Godmother

Mal POV.

I haven't dared to look at the phone ever since the twin's birthday. It's now been 2 weeks. Belle loves spending time with the kids and they love her, they call her Granny. It's so funny when they all climb on Adam, and then he roars like a beast.

I decided to turn my phone back on, and the message was, Hi. Mackenzie was next to me watching TV. Suddenly she grabbed the phone and wouldn't give it back she started pressing buttons. She was ringing someone and I don't know who. I started saying, "Mackenzie give me back the phone or no TV for a week" I know she's 2 and wouldn't completely understand but she knew what no Tv meant so she gave me the phone back.  When I looked at the phone and noticed it was Evie, I hesitantly held the phone to my ear and said, "Hey Evie" she started shouting and squealing  in excitement "Mal, is that you?" I replied with, "Yes E but you can't tell anyone ok" Then Belle walked up behind me and she said, "Mal get off the phone, you know you're here for a reason and you can't screw up now" I stupidly replied with, "Belle I'm sorry Mackenzie grabbed my phone and called Evie"

I didn't realize Evie was still on the phone until she shouted, "Belle!" I instantly hung up the phone and ran upstairs and went straight to my bed, I screamed at myself in my head. How stupid am I? Adam walked into my room and said, "Belle told me everything, It's not your fault" I got up and he gave me a hug. Then I said, "but if I didn't turn the phone on then it wouldn't have happened" he replied with, "It doesn't matter because they won't find us" we hugged until Mackenzie ran upstairs with Belle, Belle stood at the door and Mackenzie joined in me and Adams hug and said, "Sorry Mummy" I knelt down to her level and said, " It's okay Mack it was a mistake" We snuggled on the sofa with Maddie, Mason, and Maizie until it was time to go to bed. I tucked them all in and wished them good night, and just hoped that Evie would forget about what happened.

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