Chapter 7

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Evie POV.

In me and Mal's dorm, I found a note, it was from Mal, she had gone. I ran straight to Carlos and Jay's room and told them to come with me, they could see I was in a rush so they quickly came. We knocked on Ben's office door. He opened it.  I shouted, " Ben its urgent Mal's gone" he looked at us, his mouth opened in shock and he said, "we need to talk somewhere private let's go to my room" we ran to his room in the castle.

 When we got in the room Ben was being extra careful and locking doors and windows shutting curtains too. Whilst he was doing that I was walking around his large bedroom when I noticed a draw with a key in it. Me being me I curiously unlocked the draw and opened it to see a picture. It looked as if it was in half but I was shocked they the picture was a picture of mal. But this picture was of her on the isle when she was 11. She never gives anything like that out especially to people in Auradon.

I could only link it up to one thing. All those years ago, it was he who raped Mal, my best friend. He seems so nice and loving. I decided to take the photo and if need be ill use it against him. I put the drawback to how it was with the key in it and I sat down on Ben's bed. We passed the note around Until we had all read it 3 or more times, but when I read it again I realized Mal said that she loves Ben and always will, so I'm guessing she doesn't know it's him. My question is, does he know it's her? Everyone was crying, except me. I was still in shock with what I had found. Ben called the guards and told them to look for her. Then, Jay and Carlos and I left, but I took them to my dorm. I showed them what I had found but I didn't give them any context. They just looked at me confused then I said, "found it in Ben's room" they looked back and forth from me to the picture. Then Jay suddenly said, "Mal never gives out photo's of herself, especially not from on the isle, AND ESPECIALLY NOT TO PEOPLE IN AURADON" Carlos then joined in and said, "yeah, but mainly because she didn't like photo's as you can usually see her bruises and cuts" we all nodded in agreement.

Then it popped into Carlos's head "guys what if Ben was, him, you know the one who raped Mal" I looked at Carlos and said, "that's exactly what I thought" then Jay started yelling "I'M GONNA KILL HIM IF....." I cut him off and said, "Jay shut up people might hear us, we don't want people to know. Yet" Carlos then said "why don't we call him out tomorrow" Jay nodded, then I said "but guys remember at the moment he trusts us and he will give us any information, such as, if they find her, but if we call him out too soon he might not tell us anything. Anyway, at one point we may need to use it against him" Carlos and Jay agreed, then they went back to there dorms. It was weird in my dorm as Mal wasn't there. It reminded me of the times when Mal would be gone for days at a time nowhere to be seen but Maleficent was still with us. I don't know what happened to her when she was gone for days at a time, but she refuses to say anything about it.

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