8. Hobi's movie buddy

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The next weekend my mom and Mr Kim got married. The whole week I tried to avoid BTS in school and I told my new friends what's going on. They warned me about them and told me about all the bad things they have done. They kept on repeating that I should watch out for them, they all had sympathy for me and tried to cheer me up. So Ye-jun suggested to have a movie night over at his place on Sunday and we all joined in.

It was now Saturday night and mine and my mothers stuff already got moved from our old place to the Kims house by a moving company. I was busy unpacking my stuff in my new room when I heard a knock on the door. I looked behind me and saw Namjoon standing in the doorway.

"Why are you here Namjoon-ssi?". I asked him.

"I needed to give you this". He said while coming closer to me. He stook out his hand and there it was again, the black creditcard.

"I already told your dad that I don't want it". I told him and went further with unpacking my stuff. Namjoon turned me around to him, then opened my hand and putted in the creditcard.

"Don't make our dad mad, he doesn't like to get denied". He said. Sure give it to me but it doesn't mean I'm going to use it, I can still use the money I make by working. I thought and just accepted the card.

"You know, I don't get why you're against all of this". Namjoon said while sitting down on my bed.

"Why wouldn't I?". I asked. This just all bombarded on me all at once, I didn't get enough time to adjust or know with whom I'm moving in.

"You get all the money that you want and your mom is finally happy. Isn't that what you want?". Namjoon said. He is kinda right, my mom is happy and I have a black card in my hands. But the thing is that I live with BTS and they are unreasonable and scary and this all happened so suddenly in just one week, that's a lot of changes you know.

"I was already happy with what I had". I said.

"Sure you where". He said sarcastically. "Goodnight". Namjoond stood up and walked out off my room.

Last weekend my mom DID tell me that she is going on a honeymoon this Sunday. So she has been busy with packing her luggage after she got home, so I haven't seen her really. I sighed as I looked at the time and it said it was already 11 o'clock. I'm getting tired so I'm done with unpacking for today.

I took a quick shower, changed into my pyjama and went to bed.


"Goodbye mom". I said while giving her a tight hug.

"Goodbye Y/n-ah, I'm gonna miss you". My mom told me, I saw her tearing up. "We will take back souvenirs for you guys". She said and hugged me again.

"Please take care of yourself Y/n-ah and boys take care of Y/n-ah, she is my only daughter". Mr Kim said. "Please be good to each other". He told us. I just nodded.

They all said there goodbyes and then we waved them goodbye.

When the car left the property, I started to walk towards my room but suddenly I felt two hands om my shoulders. "Not that fast, the show has only begon". It was Jimin. "We have some rules to discuss". He said while leading me towards the living room.

"I'm not gonna follow your guys's stupid rules". I said. Jimin ignored my commend and just pushed me down on the couch.

"I think you are". Jimin said and sat next to me.

All the boys where now in the living room. "Lets just get straight to the point". Seokjin started. "I'm the oldest so I'm the boss". He said. Okay that is kind off reasonable, he is the oldest out of us. "And because I'm the oldest you guys need to listen to me. This is the same for all the other people who are older then you. Y/n is the youngest and that means that she needs to listen to everyone". He concluded. Wait that's not fair!

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