26. Sucker

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After all my stepbrothers left the dining room, I stayed there for a few minutes thinking about my life. I hate being scared of them, they can snap a finger and can hurt me. It's not fair that there are 7 of them and only one of me.

But I don't want them to see me as someone they can control and threaten, I'm strong I can fight back against them, I only need to find a solution. I can run away from here but where can I go? Our old apartment is sold, I could stay at my friends house but I don't want to be depending on them or that something happened to them and I don't have enough money on my own to move out.

And how the hell am I going to fight back against all of them? They are all well built and again there are 7 of them. Maybe I could fight back against them when I'm alone with just one of them, I could try that, I only have to wait for a change where there is only one of them. But then there is another problem, if I would only be with one of them, they are still stronger then I am.

Maybe I should look for their weaknesses, that is the only way I can go up against them. As soon as I find out a weakness, I can use it against them.

I sighed deeply and then got up and started walking towards my room, how did I end up like this?

When I was walking upstairs I walked past Hoseok and Taehyung. They were both wearing a completely different outfit then that they were wearing before. They both had black pants, shirts and shoes on and were rushing downstairs. Taehyung was adjusting something on his pants and Hoseok was carrying a big black bag. I followed their direction until they left via the front door.

What are they doing? Where are they going to so late? Why are they wearing all black? I think there is something up. I quickly rushed myself to my room and looked out off the window, so that I could see Taehyung and Hoseok outside.

Both Taehyung and Hoseok were speaking quiet hard, so I opened my window a bit, so that I was able to hear a part of their conversation.

"Do you have everything you need?". Taehyung asked.

"Yes, I even got extras". Hoseok answered and showed him the black bag.

"Why are you bringing so much? There aren't a lot of people?". Taehyung asked. What's in the bag? Are they going to a gambling place or something?

"Y/n is getting on my f*cking nerves. I need to release it somewhere". Hoseok answered again. "That's why you're coming two, I know that you can't stand her. If we can't hurt her we need someone else to replace her". What?! Are they going to hurt someone because of me? If that is true, I can't live with myself.

Suddenly Hoseok got an incoming call. He answered it and hung up after a few seconds. "They are waiting, lets go". Hoseok said and put the bag on the backseats and then entered the car behind the steering wheel. After Hoseok got in Taehyung also entered the car and soon after that they left the gates.

What are they going to do? What if they are really going to hurt someone because they are mad at me. They can't do that, I won't be able to live with myself if I knew I f*cked up someone's life. If I had a driver's license I would have jumped into the car and followed them, but I can't.

"Y/n they are not hurting someone because they are mad at you". I said to myself to make me feel better.

"Who is not going to hurt someone because they are mad at you?". I heard a voice behind me. I almost got a heart attack by the voice behind me, I quickly turned around and was met with no other than Jimin.

"What the hell are you doing in my room!". I said angrily when I saw him standing in front of me. I can at least look at Jimin again. His face doesn't bring back any more memories. But I still have the memories on my mind all day long and have nightmares about it.

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