6 - Wounded

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- Deans pov -

I grabbed my usual attire to go out on a ride in the woods. I checked myself in the mirror, then I headed towards Sams room. I barged in once I got to his room not thinking about knocking. Knowing that he was either in his room, the library, or outside. He jumped up from where he was at his desk that was in his room. Quickly turning towards me, I laughed. I clapped my hands together as he rolled his eyes back.

"T-The look on your-r face" I said through laughter, he smiled back at me. "So what are you doing here?" He asked as he perched on the corner of his bed. "Wondering if you would like to join me on a ride through the forest out back. Like back when we were kids."

"Does dad know..?"

"Nope and like he would care anyway." I said and Sam scoffed and shook his head. I instantly shot him a look. "What..?" "Just surprised you didn't tell him." He said looking back at me. I shook my head and ran my finger through my hair. "Anyway meet you out back bitch." I said looking at him and walking out of his room. "Jerk" he said back as I shut the door. I started walking towards the entrance to the garden.

- Lilith's pov -

I rode through the forest on a horse that was left at the tavern. Wonder how charming is doing I though and quickly put the thought on the back burner. As the hours jumped over a fallen tree. The castle staff really needed someone out here doing yard work. I thought as I could see a path up ahead and some figures in the distance. I pat the horse on their side and they started up and going again.

I stopped close to a clearing, with a lake. I tied the horse up to a tree and walked to the edge of the forest. I stopped as I saw two people by the lake. Oh this must me my lucky day. I thought and grinned to myself. The princes.

"Somebody's wanting to get away from daddy." I said as I watched the two men closely. They were skipping rocks in the lake and talking to each other. Probably bickering about royal shit.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone across the way from me at the edge of the forest on the other side of the clearing. As Dean and Sam walked towards them. This should be fun. I thought slowly creeping my way closer to the scene. When both brothers backs were turned the mystery person walked out of the forest.

"Rat," I rolled my eyes as I saw Arthur sneak up behind Dean a knife in hand. Just going to get himself killed I thought as I walked out of the shadows. "Give me everything valuable." He heard, as I looked at them from a few feet away. They didn't notice me yet or Adam being dumb not noticing that it was the princes. I rolled my eyes again, as Sam started to check his pockets. "Really.?" I said as eyes were all on me now. "Ruby.." Arthur said giving a quick look to Sam then back to me.

I walked over and looked at Sam, then back to Dean. "How about you drop the dagger and go before you get yourself hurt." "What. No I found them first. I'm not leaving them here with you." I laughed and quickly turned around to Sam who was ready to throw a punch. "No so fast there big boy." I said as I had pulled my sword out. I could see a small amount of blood coming from his throat were I pierced his skin slightly. "Bitch." Dean said through grated teeth.


Sam backed up as I turned around to face the two other men. I took a step forward and he took a step back. "You really think you have the guts to kill the price. Ha, and you think that you could get away with it don't you.." I said and chuckled as I looked at Arthur then back to Dean. Who gave me a look I just winked back at him. "Hey think fast!" I quickly said as I threw a coin at him. Arthur jumped, and stabbed Dean in the shoulder with the dagger he was holding to his throat.

At least it wasn't the throat.

"Dean!" Sam gelled, Dean let out a groan as he was pushed forward towards me. I caught him as he fell to the ground and went down with him. I could feel his eyes on me and then to his brother. "What about him." Dean breathed out. "He's a rat." I said as I looked down at dean and the hint of red that was forming on the fabric of his under shirt. He winced when I put my hand on it.

"You let him stab me!" "Hey! Your the one who called me a bitch." I shot back at him and put more pressure on the wound. "A little help here   Giant!" I called out to Sam, who must have been in a haze of shock and worry. He bent down on the other side of Dean. He ripped apart of his shirt, as I took my hand off the wound. Grabbing the fabric from him and putting back on.

"Can you hold that your highness." I said smirking down at him. "Yes" he said through gritted teeth. I stood up and looked down at the both brothers. "I have a cabin not to far from here in the woods. That wound needs stitches. I can fix him up and get him back by dark." I said and looked around the scene no soldiers or guards had been around. 

"I'm not leaving my brother. Especially with you" Sam said and gave me a look.

Well someone's smart.

"Sam-" Dean argued back with his brother. "No Dean. she's a criminal! I'm not leaving you with her!" I looked between the two of them and rolled my eyes. "Can you guys just shut up. Do you want your brother to bleed out." I looked at Sam to then Dean.

Even he still looked pretty.

"You cant come because the castle if not already will get suspicious. If both you two are gone...I can fix him up. I promise to get him back safe." I said looking at Dean the entire time.


𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘸 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳              {𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦!𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘯}Where stories live. Discover now