Spoonful Of Poison

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The walls so high and you won't feelThe moon is always spying on your fearsI make it to the golden gate and failSo then you throw your fantasy away to fade

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The walls so high and you won't feel
The moon is always spying on your fears
I make it to the golden gate and fail
So then you throw your fantasy away to fade

A mini rolltop desk sits in a corner. The room is filled with childhood remnants that have seen better days. Some photos are of her mother, aunt and uncle, as others are of Jay, Bella and her aunt's daughter, whom she doesn't know the name of. Jay strings some bells and bottles over the windows and doors. This helps notify her whenever a figure is in the room. She moves to her unpack the rest of her things.

As Jay unpacks her CD case as loneliness finally overwhelms her. She sits heavily on the edge of the bed with tears threatening to spill. Then she hears a honk outside. Lazily, she walks across the hall and looks out the window to see a faded red truck, circa 1960 pulls up. "Don't go. Danger. Stay inside. They're watching. Look out." Jay stands as the whispers grow louder. She needs to take her medication soon. Making a quick decision, she walks down the stairs.

Bella and Jay exit to find Charlie greeting the driver, Jacob Black. He looks about 16, he's Quileute, and is amiable with long black hair, carries hints of childish roundness to his face. Jay shoots Bella a confused look, she looks just as intrigued as her.

Charlie and Jacob help Jacob's father, Billy Black, into a wheelchair. Jay tilts her head to the side, noticing how he's the very same man in the framed photos. Furrowing her eyebrows, Jay takes a step back as her vision blurs a bit. It leaves as soon as it came. "Bella, Jay, you remember Billy Black," Charlie asks, wearing a wide smile.

"Glad you two are finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you two told him you were coming," Billy Black adds in. "Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill," Charlie says, rolling his eyes. "Right after I ram you in the ankles," Billy takes several rolls at Charlie, who dodges.

Jacob shakes his head at their two fathers as he shyly approaches the two girls. "I'm Jacob. We used to make mud pies together when we were little kids," he says, smiling at Bella. He looks over at Jay, though she's focused on something else. Jacob's shadow has disappeared.

Both Jay and Bella carry shadows, though his is nowhere to be found. Bella curiously watches her cousin. Her father had told her about her cousin's condition before she came. "Hello," Jacob waves his hand across Jay's face. Rapidly blinking, Jay finds his shadow again. It's another trick her mind likes to play on her.

"I'm sorry. What," she asks, snapping out of it. Bella also focuses her eyes on the boy. "I was just saying how we used to hang out when we were kids," he says, still smiling. "Sorry.. I don't remember," Jay replies, scratching the back of her neck. His smile drops a bit. "Oh, no. It's nothing personal. I don't remember much of my childhood," she quickly adds in.

He nods, understanding, yet confused. "Are they always like this," Bella asks, turning to look at the two fathers. "It's getting worse with old age," Jacob mumbles. Charlie then pats the hood of the truck. "So what do you think of your homecoming gift," he asks, addressing Bella. "No way. The truck is for me," she exclaims, ecstatic.

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