4: "I Like Challenges."

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

 "𝙸 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚜."

I'M PUTTING ON my pants as quickly as I possibly can while Jenny stretches her naked body out on the bed, propping herself up onto her elbows. "Leaving so soon?" She grins.

The high from the sex is winding down, and slowly the feeling I felt only an hour ago comes seeping back in. It's getting worse. I've tried to come up with a million excuses as to why she ran out on me like that, but the only one sticking is that I wasn't enough. Was I too small for her? Did I not kiss good enough? Was I seriously that bad?

I only let a select few people see my emotions, and Jenny sure as hell isn't making that list, so I pull myself together and send her a fake smile. "Thanks for this. It was fun."

"You don't want my number or anything?" She looks at the door and then back to the bed as if she's re-thinking everything she just did. I should care about her, but honestly I could give two fucks about the situation. I got what I wanted. I just need to get out of here.

"That's not really my thing." I shrug and grab my t-shirt from the floor. "Maybe we'll see each other at another party or something though."

I hear her call me dick and a few other obscurities as I exit the room and try to find Dion. My whole body feels as if it's on fire, and suddenly this big house seems way too small. It feels as if everything is closing in on me.

I find him playing beer pong with a blonde that looks oddly familiar. When I get closer to the girl I recognize her from last night. She's the one that came with Elena and threw up all over our lawn. Joy.

"Hey." I tap Dion's shoulder as he tries to aim the ball for the cup on the opposite end of the table. It bounces off the rim before he turns to look at me. "We need to go."

"Go where?" He wrinkles his nose up in confusion. "We've only been here for like two hours."

"Dion." I say bitterly, grabbing more of his attention. I don't want to go into detail. I don't want everyone to know why we need to go, but once he sees the look on my face he knows that I'm not in a good place. I need to get the fuck out of here, and I honestly don't trust myself to be alone.

"Uh, fuck. Okay. One second." He shoots the ball again and this time it falls into the cup of liquid with a plop, the small crowd erupting into cheers. The blonde who's his partner looks at him in glee, clapping her hands together with excitement as she picks up the ball for her turn.

"I have to go." He says into her ear. I'm assuming that he had hopes of hooking up with her. "I'll call you?"

"Oh. Um, yeah." She replies shyly. The way she's batting her eyelashes at him makes me want to throw up. It's funny how she actually thinks that she has a shot at being with him. Dion is ten times worse than me. Maybe not as bad as Cameron, but he almost always has a different girl every night.

Dion follows me out onto the street, and for the first time of the night I feel like I can breathe again. The bad thoughts slowly start to fade away, relaxation flowing into my veins.

"Cam and Rodney are taking an Uber home." He says after he checks his phone. He shoves it into his pocket and unlocks his car door for us to get inside. I was so jealous the day his parents bought him this jeep. It's matte black with red rims, and when he called to tell me he got it our junior year of high school he took me for a joy ride and let me drive it for a few blocks. It was one of the best days of my life.

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