20: "Are You Okay?"

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢

 "𝙰𝚛𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙾𝚔𝚊𝚢?"

AFTER SPENDING WHAT seemed like an eternity at the library, I successfully managed to finish up my homework for the week and finished up the rest of my studying for my literature test on Friday. School seems to get more difficult when I keep having the distraction of Elena on my mind.

I've been trying not to allow myself to get too happy with her in case something decides to go south, but the past few weeks things have been great for us. I normally get to see her the most on the weekends, but sometimes she'll come over and we'll just watch a movie together and talk until the early hours of the morning.

When I open the front door to the house I hear Dion and Amelia laughing away upstairs in his bedroom. They've been inseparable since they've met, and I just think it's funny that we both seemed to have met girls that we can't stay away from.

"Yo." Rodney nods his head at me when I walk into the kitchen before he shoves his face with another bite of pizza. "Where have you been? Dion has been acting like a fucking girl up there for the past five hours."

"The gym." I lie, sending him a small smirk. "Maybe if you found someone you wouldn't be so upset about the noise."

"Ha!" He takes another bite, eyeing me with humor. "As if. I'm perfectly fine with not being tied down. You and Dion can have fun with that."

"Me and Dion?" I grab a bowl from the cupboard and grab the cereal box from the one next to it. "I'm not tied down."

"Right." Rodney smiles, clearly not believing me. "Because hanging out with Elena almost every night of the week doesn't put yourself in that category. Keep telling yourself that buddy."

I don't know what to reply to him because honestly I'm not sure how to. Elena and I haven't put a label to this yet as to what we are, and I'm not sure we want to. If we did, I feel like that might just be too much pressure for both of us. We're not ready for a relationship. Hanging out for the past couple of months has been comfortable enough, so I don't want to change anything between us to screw this up. I don't want a label.

"I'm not tied down." I decide to say with a mouthful of captain crunch. "We're just good friends."

"And you seem to forget that I stay in the room right across from yours." His eyebrow shoots up as a smirk goes onto my face. "She moans like a canary whenever you guys are in there. She's a little loud if you haven't noticed."

Okay, I'll admit it, it's hard for us to control ourselves. We obviously haven't had sex, but the make out sessions we have when we give into the temptations are extremely hard to stop. So far Elena has handled kissing really well, so that's what we're sticking to.

"Sorry." I press my tongue to the inside of my cheek and shrug my shoulders. "Actually, I'm really not."

Before he has any room for a rebuttal, Dion and Amelia head into the kitchen with huge smiles plastered to their faces. "Hey." Amelia says. "Do you and Elena want to go to a movie tonight with Dion and I?"

I shrug my shoulders and nod my head as I check off the mental list of the things I had to do today. I've finished everything I've needed to. "I'm not sure what she's got going on, but it's cool with me."

"Awesome!" She exclaims. "I'll text her to let her know you said yes."


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