5: "Not Always."

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

 "𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝙰𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜."

THE FIRST DAY of classes seems to go by in a blur. I can't seem to focus on anything the professors are saying. My mind continues to wander about the stressors going on in my life and how the past couple of days I've felt worse than I have in a long time.

Literature is my last class of the day, and after getting nauseous from looking at the amount of work on the syllabus we finally get dismissed, all of the other students complaining about the project we have due at the end of the semester as we pile out.

My eyelids feel heavy as I begin to make my way across campus. I hardly got any sleep last night. I found myself tossing and turning, picturing brown eyes and tear stained cheeks.

The worst part about today is that I have to go to the gym with Dion and Cameron after school. I would just bail, but I've bailed for the past two weeks on them and they've already threatened me twice now.

Our house from campus is only two blocks or so, my body already feeling the tiredness I'm about to feel at the gym. I would give anything to take a nap.

"Yo!" I call out, slamming the door shut behind me. There's a bunch of laughter coming from the kitchen, so I slide my sneakers off and head down the hallway, yawning as I do so.

Dion is standing over the stove as he peers down at some cookies, the blonde girl from the party giggling as she looks at him. "See?" She presses, nudging him gently. "It wasn't that hard. Was it?"

He looks down at her and smiles, but it's not the devilish smile he normally gives girls. This smile is genuine. Pussy. I smirk.

"Look what we have here." I grin widely, setting my backpack down onto a barstool by the island. "Baking cookies?"

Dion gives me a death glare, almost warning me not to fuck this up for him. I now know that this girl is no longer just a one night stand for him. He actually wants something with her. He wouldn't bake with a girl just for sex. Even if she is a virgin.

"Found it!"

I whip my head around to find Elena holding a charger in her hand. When she sees me she doesn't act like she left me alone in a bedroom with a hard on. She just flips her long hair over her shoulder and raises her eyebrow up at me. "Problem?" She smirks.

Does she not even remember what happened? She's acting like a cocky little bitch right now. If she thinks that she's going to make me seem like the weak one she's clearly mistaken. She's a challenge that I'm going to win eventually.

"None whatsoever." I smirk back, cocking my head slightly to the side. I let my eyes burn into her and purposefully graze down her body. I see the way she gulps, the way she brings her hands to her hair to straighten it out. She's not fooling anyone. "Couldn't stay away for long I see."

"Nice try. I left my charger here the other night." She says, straightening her shoulders. She's got this little polka dot navy blue dress on that reaches just above her knees. I can't help but let my mind wander to how it would make her feel if I just pulled her into the hallway and ran my fingertips up it.

I'm not sure why she's acting as if nothing happened. Maybe she honestly doesn't remember it. I almost like that idea more. I'd rather her not remember me telling her that I'm sober.

"I'm going to go take a shower before the gym." I smirk at her. "You know, before I get all hot and sweaty..."

"You're repulsive." She bites on her lip to keep herself from smiling and crosses her arms over her chest. "Are you ready to go Amelia?"

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