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*12 years ago*

"Come on Livy open your eyes." The little boy said excitedly to his best friend. "Ok B but promise me theirs not a spider in front of me." "I promise Livy. Please open your eyes I have a present for you."

When Olivia opened her eyes, her eyes were glued to the silver dog tags held in front of her eyes.
"Here Livy. I want you to take these and don't forget about me. My daddy's business is growing and we have to move to New York."
"No no no no you can't be moving. No you have to stay here with me. You ca-" " Olivia come on we're leaving." She was cut off by her parents coming out to get her.
"No mommy we can't go. We can't let him leave." The little girl was sobbing at this point.

"Livy it's ok we'll see each other again I pinky promise. And besides I'm going to want my dog tags back." He tried to lighten the mood and it kinda worked.
"Come on Liv, say goodbye to Brennan and we'll let them get ready to leave." Her mother said to her daughter lovingly.
"Buh-bye B. I love you soooooooooo much. Please don't forget about me." "Livy you know I could never forget about you. I love you sooooooo much too." "Wait wait mommy let me go." The little girl ran up to the big and handed him something. "It's my ring. So you can have something to remember ME by." "Livy but this is your FAVOURITE ring. I can't take it." "Yes you can. Goodbye B I love you." The little girl went after her mother silently crying. "I love you to Livy." The boy has to choke back a sob.

Olivia left the house sobbing while Brennan ran up to his bedroom sobbing.

For the next 2 months the two children didn't stop crying and barely came out of the their rooms. Their parents were very worried about them and didn't know what to do.

Olivia and Brennan have a tough time ahead of them. A time that they think they'll be spending alone. But with new friends showing up along the way, it doesn't take long for them to forget about each other. But their memories will always be in the back of their minds and their hearts.

What they didn't know was they'd be meeting each other again at a very unexpected time in their lives. A time where they thought that the other forgot about them.

Hey guys!!!!:)

This is my first story!!!

I hope you all like it!!!

What do you think will happen in the next chapter???

Hopefully Brennan and Olivia will meet up again!!!:)

Word count: 460 words

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