Chapter 23

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The next morning I woke up a bit late. I was lucky I showered last night. At least I don't have to waste the little time I have on a shower.

Before I go downstairs for breakfast, I got dressed. I decided that today I wanted to dress up a bit. Staff the week off right. I got into this cute green dress. I put my white sneakers and a cream cardigan on with the dress.

 I put my white sneakers and a cream cardigan on with the dress

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Cute yet simple.

It seems like nearly every morning I go downstairs, my parents are nowhere to be seen. I understand they're working, but what about me?

I'm lucky I have Brennan because if I didn't, I'd be so lonely.

I made myself some pancakes for breakfast. Brennan texted me saying his mom made breakfast and to go over but I didn't see it until I started making my own food. So I texted him back saying it was fine and that I made my own and I'd see him soon.

Twenty minutes later, I had my breakfast eaten, cleaned up the mess I made and was sitting at the island waiting for Brennan to collect me.

When I heard the honk of a car horn, I grabbed my things, locked the front door and went outside.

Getting in the car, I greeted Brennan with a kiss on the lips. "Hi baby." He said to me, nuzzling his face in my neck. "I missed you." It came out muffled.

Pulling up to school, I saw Emma and Zeke cozying up to each other. Stephanie and Brielle were whispering into each other's ears. There is definitely something going on that they're not telling us.

The day went by slowly. Nothing exciting happened. Thankfully I didn't have much homework to do. So when I was finished the bit I was given, I decided to call Brielle and see what was going on with her. Afterwards I was gonna call Stephanie.

"Hey! What's going on with you."
"Nothing much. I just finished up my homework. Is everything ok? You never call me just one to one."
"Yeah everything's fine. I just wanted to see how you were. I just noticed that you and Steph have gotten closer lately."
"Yeah well I mean you have a boyfriend now and so does Emma. It's just us too left so we have been hanging out together more."
"Is that all? Nothing else going on? You know you can tell me anything."
"Yes Liv. I know that. And no there's nothing more going on between us. If there was, you'd be the first to know."
"Ok. I believe you. Hey I gotta go. Dinners ready"
"K. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."

And with that, she hung. She was definitely lying. I could hear it in her voice. Now to call Stephanie.

"Hey Steph!"
"Hey Oli!! What's up?"
"Nothing much. Just wanted to talk to you."
"It's just weird you rang just me."
"I was just going to say that I noticed how close you and Brielle were getting to each other. Is anything going on?"
"What do you mean Oli? You think we're together?"
"Well I mean you do spend loads of time together. And ye are always whispering and giggling."
"Yeah we're hanging out more. But that's because you and Emma have boyfriends now. We have each other. Look Oli, I'm sorry but I have to go. My moms calling for me. See you tomorrow."

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