Chapter 14

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The weekend went by very slowly since my parents weren't home. Brennan was over a few times but not too many. He had stuff to do for his parents and his sister so I don't complain. I didn't want to seem clingy to him.

When he did come over though we kissed a few times. But now I have to go back to reality. It's Monday so that means I have to go back to school after my time off. I really didn't want to though. Thankfully Alex is still suspended for another 2 weeks so that's one less thing to worry about.

At around 7:45, the door bell rang. I knew who that was. I opened the door to see Brennan leaning against the door frame. It seems like it's become an unspoken rule that Brennan collects me and brings me to school.

"Hey Livy. Sorry I didn't get to spend as much time with you this weekend. I was just so busy. Promise next week will be different." He said to me, kind of like he was nervous to tell me and I'd be mad at him. "B relax it's fine. You don't need to spend every second of every day with me. I understand that you have your family that you need to help." "I know that. I just feel bad because your parents aren't home and the girls were busy too and so was I and you were by yourself." He rushed out in one breath.

"B. I already said it's fine. Come on. Let's go we'll be late to school. With that being said we got in his car and were on our way.

Pulling up to school, Brennan turned to me before we got out of the car and kissed me. "I've been waiting to do that all weekend." He whispered to me, his lips still close to mine. Getting out of the car, I heard three squeals and one deep laugh. In front of the car, there stood Emma, Stephanie, Brielle and Zeke.

I had told the girls all about mine and Brennan's date. I didn't leave out any information from the date cause I knew they'd kill me if I didn't mentioned we kissed. I also just presumed either Brennan or Emma told Zeke we kissed. Probably Emma. The girls came up to me and dragged me away from Brennan. He shouted a goodbye to me as the girls pulled me into the school. I shouted one back to him and Zeke.

"I can't believe you two kissed already. It's so cute." Stephanie said to me as we stood in front of our lockers. "I know. Like I already told ye how he said it a few nights ago that he wanted to kiss me but wanted to wait for our date. I just think he's so sweet to think like that. He may look like a bad boy but I just know that deep down ,for everyone else at least, he's the sweetest. He's been nothing but kind and patient with me." I was gushing over him now.

The girls squealed again. "You are so in love with him." Brielle said to me. "No I can't. It's too soon." "Liv, it's never to soon. Besides you have known him practically your whole life." Emma said to me. "Not true Em. I only really know the six year old boy that abandoned me twelve years ago. It's going to take us some time to actually know everything about each other. He definitely has a secret and I'm not going to push him on what it is." "Yeah. You don't want to push him too much. When he's ready he'll tell you."

The ringing of the bell interrupted us from finished the conversation. "Come on Em. We'll be late. See you girls at lunch." I said while walking away with Emma.

Lunch came around quick. I had math with Brennan already. He kept his hand on my thigh throughout the whole lesson. He knows that he's affecting me but he still does it.

Going into the cafeteria, I sit at our usual seat and grab my lunch out of my bag, leftover Chinese that I got for dinner last night. I was the first at the table but I was so hungry I couldn't wait for anyone else to show up.

A few minutes I heard a few chairs scrape the floor. Looking up, I saw Brennan sitting down beside me and the girls sitting across from me with Zeke. Brennan leaned down and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I was not expecting him to be a fan of PDA. Not that I'm complaining.

All of lunch we just talked about random things. Lunch was over as quick as it started.

The rest of the day was boring and went by so slow. I met Brennan at my locker when the bell rang. He draped his arm around my shoulder and brought me into a kiss yet again.

"Hey. You wanna go to Carla's diner for some food?" He asked me asking pulling away from my lips. "Yeah I'd like that. I really don't feel like going home to an empty house." I said back to him. "I can stay over tonight if you want?" "No it's ok. I don't want to be any trouble." I said to him cause it's the truth. "You're not any trouble. Besides I can't really sleep properly without you curled up on my chest." He said to me cutely.

We walked hand in hand out to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I got in. He went around to his side, got in and once again grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I rested our joined hands on my lap.

Pulling up to Carla's diner, Brennan opened my door for me once again. Carla's diner is an old diner that has been around forever. It's run by an old man called Carlos. Him and his wife opened the diner up fifty years ago when they first got together.

Unfortunately, his wife had died a few years back. He renamed the diner to Carla's diner in her honour. I hope someday I can find a love like theirs. Walking into the diner, we went and sat at a table beside the window. Carlos came over to our table and took our orders. "Oh look at you two. I remember when ye were six years old. Always messing about." Carlos was always one to reminisce. I ordered chicken tenders with fries and a chocolate milkshake. Brennan ordered an everything burger with fries and a chocolate milkshake too.

Best food ever. We finished up, talked about absolutely nothing and were on our way home.

When we got to my house, I went in and Brennan went to his house to get clothes for school tomorrow. I sat down at the dining table and pulled out my homework. Brennan came in about five minutes later and say down across from me and started doing his own work. He helped me with the maths because I was super confused in class and he's like a brainiac.

At 7:30, we finished up with our work. It should be illegal for teachers giving us so much work. Since it was too early to go to bed, we lay down and put Netflix on my tv. We put on fast and furious but we didn't even watch it. We were either to busy kissing or talking about nothing.

After awhile, Brennan went quite. His breathing evened out so I knew he was asleep. I couldn't go to sleep as quick as he did. In this time, I had time to think about what was going on between me and Brennan. What were we? Like we kiss and we both know how much we like each other. But yet he still hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend. I know you're probably thinking why don't you ask him to be your boyfriend? But what if he says no and that he's only hanging out with me to get into my pants. I'm definitely an over thinker. I'll leave it alone until my parents come home. And if he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend by then, I'll ask him. I'm scared shitless.

One word about this whole chapter:

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Word count: 1419 words

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