Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning with One Direction blaring through my speakers as my alarm. I don't think I'll ever be used to waking up this early again. At least tho it's my last year of school and I'll be off to college next year. My parents want me to take over their business. I know the way around their company but I need my business degree but I'll have that done in 2 years max. You could say I'm very smart.

I went and did my business in the bathroom before I went downstairs to grab breakfast. I showered before I went to bed so I'd say I'm ok til later. I wasn't surprised when I didn't see my parents up. They've been working hard lately. I'm glad they're sleeping in.

I popped the bagel in the toaster and poured myself some orange juice. I ate that quickly and ran upstairs and got dressed. I was too lazy to dress nicely so I threw on a pair of leggings, an oversized hoodie and my vans. I just left my hair down straight.

(Her clothes but the shoes are vans and she has her hair down

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(Her clothes but the shoes are vans and she has her hair down.)

By the time I got back downstairs, I could hear my parents talking. The strange thing was there was 3 voices. I walked into the kitchen to see my parents and Brennan laughing and joking at the island.

"Oh sweetie, you're finally here. Brennan here, such a sweetheart, offered to drive you to school!! Isn't that great?" My mom said enthusiastically.

Of course he wants to drive me to school, he wants to get my answer from last night. "Oh wow. Uh Brennan that's not necessary. I can drive myself." "Nonsense Livy. We still have loads of catching up to do. Last night wasn't enough. Actually, Mr and Mrs Gray, would it be ok if I brought Livy here for ice cream after school?"

"Brenna of course you can. You know we trust our daughter with you." Thanks a lot dad I wanted to say to him. "Thank you Nick. Come on Livy, we have school to go to. Bye Sasha, bye Nick." Why is he so happy at 8 in the morning?

"Well what are you waiting for sweetie. Brennan's already gone to the car. I'll see you later for dinner and have a great day." My mom said while coming over to kiss my cheek. "Bye mom. Bye dad I'll see you at dinner." It was my turn now to kiss my parents goodbye.

I was very nervous getting into the car with Brennan. I didn't know what to expect throughout the ride. He let me connect my phone to the radio. I'm not even embarrassed that I played One Direction.

When he asked who it was and I told him, he just chuckled lowly but didn't skit me. When he chuckles, his dimples appear and his eyes light up. I can't help but check him out. I've seen him check me out too.

A few times I've caught him looking towards my neck. When I looked down, I saw his dog tags came out from under my sweatshirt. Nobody but Emma knows that I wear them the whole time.

"I uh- I didn't know you kept them." His deep voice clouded my mind. "Uh yeah I did. I um- I haven't taken them off since you left. Only to clean them and when I sleep. I know it sounds stupid but it made me feel that you were still around." I'm sure I was blushing by now.

"It's not stupid. I used to wear your ring the whole time. I got bullied because of it but I wasn't going to take it off. When I got older, I obviously grew so the ring didn't fit anymore. My mom suggested to wear it as a necklace. I'm the same as you, I only take it off to clean it or when I sleep." Holy shit.... He's blushing. I CANT believe I made HIM blush. Crazy.

All I could do was give him a one hundred watt smile.

The rest of the ride to school was silent. When he pulled up into the school parking lot, he grabbed my arm before I could leave. "I'll meet you at your locker at the end of school. Is that ok?" "Uh yeah that's cool. I'll see you then?" "Yeah see you then. Uh have a good day. I'll hopefully see you around." He got out of the car and walked away.

"HEY BRENNAN." Shouting was the only way I could get his attention and a few bystanders. I ran to catch up with him when he stopped and waited for me. "I uh- I was wondering if mmaaybe you'd lllike to sit wwith me and my fffriends at llunch?" God damn what's with me and stuttering? I never stutter.

"Of course. I'd love to sit with you at lunch Livy. I'll meet you outside the cafeteria then at lunch? Just cause I don't know what your friends look like or where ye sit." "Oh yyyeah I'll meet you outside the cafeteria at lunch. See you then." He waved at me and was on his way.

Just as I was about to walk into school, I felt someone jump on my back. "You Bitch. Brennan fucking Cole just dropped you off at school. Why didn't you tell me?? In fact I haven't heard from you since you left school yesterday." "Em I'm so sorry. I'll give you crash course of what happened in homeroom ok?" "Uh fine whatever." "Ok great then you'll be able to update the girls too before lunch." "What?? Why?? Can you not just tell them at lunch?" She questioned me.

"I could do that but I wouldn't want Brennan thinking that we're talking about him." She gasped so loudly people turned to look at her. "Shut up. He's sitting with us at lunch?" Before I could answer her, the bell rand signalling that we had five minutes before class started.

"Come on, I don't want to be late. I'll tell you all in homeroom." I dragged her into hell with me to start our second day of being seniors.

How cute is Brennan picking Olivia up for school AND blushing???

This could be the start of something great!!!

Let me know what you think!!!;)

Word count: 1070 words

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