Chapter 4

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No joke, I was very nervous for this dinner. I don't know why but I had butterflies in my stomach. Hopefully this dinner won't end to badly.

I didn't know what I should wear for dinner. I mean like it's only food so why should I dress up?? Yano what I mean?

So I just wore a cute jumper and a skirt.

Walking up the pathway, my mother knocked on the door

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Walking up the pathway, my mother knocked on the door. The door swung open by a little girl. I'd say she's around 9 or 10.

"Hi!!! I'm Amanda. Welcome to our home please come in." For a little girl, she's very mature. "Oh why thank you sweetie. I'm Sasha Gray. This is my husband,Nick Gray and our daughter Olivia." "Oh wow. You are so pretty." Amanda said to me cutely. I bent down to her level and said "Thank you beautiful. You're very pretty too." She blushed adorably under my stare.

"Amanda , come on let our guests in." Of course. I knew that voice. I was thinking that Amanda looked very familiar. None other than Brennan Cole walks
around the corner.

"Brennan my darling, look at how you've grown. Oh Nick look at him he's grown into such a handsome young man hasn't he?" "Oh uh yeah. Brennan it's great to see you again." "Hi Mr and Mrs Gray it's great to see you again." Brennan came up to my parents and shook their hands. But of course my mother pulled him into a hug. "Liv come on I thought you'd be excited. You get to see Brennan again." My mom pulled me out of my trance. "Oh Mrs Gray, we've already seen each other today. Haven't we Livy?" "Uh-uh yeah he's in a few of my classes." "Hey guys, what's the hold up? Oh Sasha, Nick I'm so glad you are here." Mrs Cole ran up to my parents and gave them a hug asMr Cole came up behind her. Mrs Cole came up to me and gave me hug also while Mr Cole stood back and waited his turn to hug me.

"My, Olivia look at you. You're gorgeous. Isn't she Brennan?" "She sure is mom." Brennan said while showing me his perfect teeth and his eyes sparkled. I blushed under his gaze . There's the butterflies again. If you didn't guess if by now, I had a HUGE crush on Brennan when we were younger. I told him and he said he felt the same. For little kids, all that happened was Brennan pecked me on the lips and I ran away from him embarrassed. The next day he left for New York. I really hope he forgot about that.

Mr and Mrs Cole escorted us to the dining room, while Brennan and Amanda trailed behind us. You could hear Amanda's giggles from a mile away. I sat down in my seat, with Brennan sitting across from me. Throughout dinner, I could feel his eyes burning into my face. Whenever I looked up at him, he was already staring. I'd blush and look away quickly, trying to get into whatever my parents were talking about.

"Ok Amanda, it's time for bed. Say goodnight to our guests and thank them for coming." Amanda went over to my parents first and thanked them with a hug. She then came over to me, kissed my cheek and gave me a hug too. She ran up to her parents and Brennan and gave all three of them kisses too. She rand out of the room screaming goodnight to us, leaving us all in a fit of laughters

"Why don't you two go to the den and catch up?" Mrs Cole suggested. I wish I could just run away. Brennan stood up without a word and nodded his towards me as if to say 'follow me'. That's exactly what I did. I followed him wordlessly. We got to the den, which seems like it was the spare room but the converted it. Brennan sat down on the couch and patted the space beside him so I could sit there too.

"Well Livy, it seems like we have a lot of catching up to do!"

Well who was expecting that to happen???

Hopefully they'll sort things out between them!!!

Who else wants Brennan and Olivia to get together???

Let me know!!!;)

Word count: 728 words

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