Chapter 19

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The next morning, I woke up at 5:30. I woke Brennan up too and gave him a kiss while getting up to go to my house. I told Brennan to meet me over there in twenty minutes for breakfast.

I felt like dressing up a little bit today for school so I put on a white trousers, a pink cardigan and white shoes.

I felt like dressing up a little bit today for school so I put on a white trousers, a pink cardigan and white shoes

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I curled my hair and put a little bit of make up on. I grabbed my bag and phone and walked downstairs.

My parents were sitting at the island with Brennan talking about nonsense. "Good morning." I said announcing my arrival. "Morning sweetie. How was shopping yesterday with the girls?" My mom asked me. "Tiring. You know how Emma is." I said while laughing.

We left my house after seven. Brennan said he had to pick Zeke up because there's something wrong with his car. We pulled up outside his house and beeped the horn. A few minutes later he came out with a big smile on his face.

"Hey guys. Brennan do you mind stopping off at Starbucks? I didn't have time for breakfast." Zeke said to us the minute he got in the car. "Hi Zeke. We're good, thanks for asking." Brennan said back to him sarcastically. "Don't mind him Zeke. Yes we can stop off at Starbucks." How the hell are these two friends?

We pulled up to school 30 minutes later. The girls were no where to be seen so I decided to ask Zeke about Emma.

"So Zeke. What's happening between you and Emma?" He already started to blush. "Uh- I mean like we're going on a date on Friday. I really like her." "Well that's good then. She really likes you too. I probably shouldn't tell you that but she'll get over it." I said to him, Brennan opening the front door for us.

Brennan and I split ways after the both of us did our lockers. I only had a few classes with him and I'll see him at lunch anyway.

"Hey Em." I said sitting down next to Emma. "Hey. I thought you'd be here earlier. Where were you?" She asked me. "Oh. Brennan had to pick Zeke up because his car isn't working. And then Zeke forced us to go to Starbucks too." I told her. "We talked about you." I said. She started to blush. "What did you talk about?" "Oh nothing. Just that Zeke REALLY likes you." Before she could answer, the teacher came in the room and took attendance. I didn't bring the conversation up again because I had work to do and I didn't need her to distract me.

All the classes before maths were so long and boring. I thought I'd never say it but I couldn't wait to go to maths. All because of Brennan. If he never came back, I don't know what school life would be like.

"Hey baby." Brennan said to me when I sat beside him in maths. "Hi. I missed you." God could I be any more clingy. "I missed you too baby. How was your other classes?" Yet again I didn't get to respond because the teacher started taking attendance. Why do I keep getting interrupted?

After a gruelling fifty minutes, the bell finally rings. Lunch time baby. We walked hand in hand out of the bathroom to our lockers.

After we did our lockers, we made our way to the cafeteria. "Hey B. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. You go on in." I tell him, needing to pee so badly. "Ok baby. I'll get your food for you." He said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I did my business in the bathroom and walked to the cafeteria. I walked in and scanned the room. I found the girls and boys sitting at our usual table.

I was about to walk over to the when I saw Alex heading straight there. I decided to see what happened. She went straight up to Brennan. She put her arm on his bicep. I wanted go see what he'd do. He pushed her hand off his bicep. Thank god.

Next thing you know, she sits on his lap. That's too far. I pushed my way through the crowd. Before I even got there, Brennan had pushed her off him and she landed on her butt on the floor. Good.

"Excuse me. Can you kindly tell me why you were sitting on MY boyfriend?" I spit at her. "Well Olivia. I was just trying to show your 'boyfriend' that he'd have a better time with me." She laughed evilly. "Oh please. As if he'd want some skank. Now leave." Why can't she get the picture?

She scoffed at me, stood up and stomped away with her possie following her. I hate them with a passion.

"Hey baby. I swear to you I didn't do-" "Hey it's fine. I saw every thing. I was standing at the door checking to see what she'd do." I interrupted his nervous ramble.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. Alex never came up to us which I'm thankful for. I'd love to box her in the face. But I don't want to get suspended.

I met Brennan and Zeke and the front door of the school. I waked out of school with Emma. "Hey Emma. Maybe you could bring Zeke home? I have somewhere I need to go and I think Zeke wants to go home straight away." I asked her. Playing match maker like usual. "Yeah that's fine. Let's go Zeke. Bye you guys." They walked out awkwardly beside each other.

"So where is it you want to go?" Brennan asked me when we pulled out from the school parking lot. "Oh no where. I just wanted Zeke and Emma to hang out a bit more by themselves. It's always the six of us together. They need some space." "You are evil. Very hot though." He said laughing.

We decided that we'd go back to Carla's diner for dinner. Both our parents had a business meeting and Amanda was at her friends house. We have to pick her up later on. It was nice for us to spend time together out of the house.

We had a great evening. After we ate, we went to Benny's ice cream parlour. After we had our ice cream, Brennan then decides to say we should've brought Amanda with us. What would you do with him?

It was around seven by the time we collected Amanda from her friends house. She was extra hyper. It should be illegal for anyone to give children sugar.

She finally fell asleep in the back of the car when we were close to home. We decided that I'd stay over again at Brennan's. When we pulled into his driveway, I ran across to my house to get clothes for tomorrow while he carried Amanda in. I talked a bit with my parents before I went back to his house.

When I went over, we went up to his room and lay on the floor and did our homework.

Two hours. That's how long it took for us to do our homework. Granted, we took a few make out breaks but still.

Brennan went to raid the kitchen while I got in my pjs. More like Brennan's pjs. I wore my shorts and his top. It looked like I was pant less.

After our hour snack, Brennan thought it would be good to go to bed. We did have a long day after all.

"Night baby." Brennan said while pulling me onto his chest and kissing my forehead. "Night B." I said with a yawn.

I was nearly asleep when I heard his whisper something. I couldn't quite make it out. Wonder what it was.

What do you think Brennan whispered to Olivia???

Do you think that'll be the last of Alex??? Or will she be back at them again???

What about Zeke and Emma. Are they a good match??? Or is it all going to end badly???

Word count: 1358 words

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