Chapter 20

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The week went by so quickly. It's already Friday and Emma has been freaking out all week about her date. She told me that the car ride home on Monday was awkward at first but after spending some time together, it was ok.

I had stayed in Brennan's house all week because our parents have been working hard together on a project that they won't tell us about. They should tell us though. Both me and Brennan are going to be taking over the companies one day.

After school today, me and the girls are going over to Emma's house to help her get ready for her date. Brennan's also going to Zeke's house because they have to prepare for the date. Just like mine and Brennan's date.

"Hey baby. Me and Zeke are gonna go now. Where are the girls?" Brennan said to me when school ended. "Hey. They-" "Liv come on. Let's go." I didn't get to answer his question because the girls came up behind me. "Never-mind. I'll see you later baby." Brennan said and have me a peck on the lips. "Bye B."

The girls dragged me out to my car, Emma wanting to go home and get ready as soon as possible. She wants everything to be perfect.

"Ok so I need to wash my hair, shave, do my hair, my makeup and the get dressed all by 6. Do I have enough time?" Emma said in one breath. "God Emma. Relax. You have loads of time." Brielle said to her.

Was I like this when I had my date with Brennan? If so, I feel bad for the girls.

By 6, Emma is ready to go on her date. We head the doorbell ring and someone opening the door. Probably her mom.

The four of us walked down the stairs to meet Zeke. There he was standing at the door, looking like he was about to shit a brick. Emma's dad can be intimidating when he wants to be.

After we said our goodbyes, Emma and Zeke were on the way to their date. Hopefully it goes well.

I dropped the two girls home and texted Brennan to see what he was doing. He told me he was at my house with Chinese takeout. Damn I love him. Wait- did I say I love him? Do I love him? Shit. Fuck. How am I meant to act around him now. Ok just need to be casual. Act like nothings wrong. How do I tell him though? I'll figure it out I suppose.

I pulled up into my driveway at 6:30. My parents cars weren't in the driveway and neither were Brennan's parents. What the hell are they planning?

Walking in the front door, I here Brennan and Amanda laughing in the living room. "Olivia." Amanda said running up to me and giving me a hug. "Hey Amanda. Hey Brennan. Sorry I took so long. Traffic is mad." I said to them. "It's ok baby. Come on. Let's go eat before the food gets cold."

We had a good laugh at dinner. We told each other about our day and then we we finished dinner, I put a movie on for Amanda.

We were all snuggled up on the couch when I heard car doors banging. In walked my parents and Brennan's parents.

"Hey kiddos. Sorry we're late." My dad said when he came in to the living room. "Yeah it's fine. What have ye been doing anyway?" I asked him. "Just business." Liam, Brennan's dad, replied. "Right we'll go. We just came to get Amanda. Brennan are you coming or staying?" His mom asked him. "I'll stay m. If that's ok with you guys." He asked my parents. "Brennan. You're always welcome to stay." We said goodbye to his parents and his dad carried Amanda to their house. We said good night to both my parents and headed upstairs.

"What do you think they're planning?" I asked Brennan when we were lying in bed that night. "I'm not sure. I know they've always wanted to merge companies so maybe that's it?" "How would they even do that. Is it not some shit like an arranged marria-" I trailed off.

"You think our parents are setting up an arranged marriage for us?" Brennan asked me. "I don't know. Maybe? Like would it be bad?" I asked him timidly.

"Baby. You know I wouldn't think it's bad. But so young? Would you want to?" Didn't think of it like that. "Yeah you're right. If it is though, they might be waiting until we're out of college?" Hopefully. We are really young. "Yeah maybe baby. Let's not think of that though. We don't know what's happening." "Yeah you're right."

I put on a movie, just for background noise because me and Brennan were talking about anything and everything.

" I wonder how the date went." I said after a few minutes of silence. "Yeah me too. Zeke said he'd text me when he dropped her home." "Yeah Emma said she'd text too when she was home. I hope it went good. They've liked each other for so long. It would be great for them to be together."

"On another note, Brielle is turning 18 in a month. Her parents always let her throw the biggest parties ever. So that'll be fun." I said to Brennan after I turned the movie off. "She's only turning 18? I thought you were all 18." He asked confusedly. "Nope. Emma's the oldest, then Steph, then me and them Brielle. I know Zeke is nearly 19. So are you as well." "Yeah in 3 months baby." "I can't wait. I'm going to buy you the best present ever."

He was quiet for a while so I presumed he was asleep. "I love you." I whispered into the air. "I love you too baby." Brennan's voice scared me. "You were awake?" I asked him, absolutely mortified. "Yeah baby I was. I'm going to be honest with you and say that I wish I was the first person to say it." "Well why didn't you then?" "If it helps, I whispered it to you every night since Monday." What??? "I knew I heard you whisper something to me. I didn't know what though." Instead of replying, he leaned forward and kissed me.

The kiss got heated very quickly. He pulled away from my lips and kissed down my jaw line and eventually my neck, he started sucking on the skin below my ear. He had me trying to hard not to moan out loud, not wanting my parents to hear. After a while, he pulled away and came back up to kiss me on the lips.

"We'll leave it there tonight baby. More of those kisses will lead to an uncomfortable night." He said making ma giggle.

"Night baby. I love you." "Night B. I love you too." I gave him one more kiss on the lips and then closed my eyes. Brennan pulled me closer, so I was cuddling his chest.

Best. Night. Ever.

What do you think of Brennan and Olivia's theory about their parents companies??

Would you like for there to be an arranged marriage??

How do you think Emma and Zeke's date is going to go??

They finally said those three special words. It's about time if you ask me:)

Word count: 1238 words

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