Chapter 27

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This week went by so slowly.

It's only Thursday now. We're leaving for Paris at 2:30 tomorrow morning.

I regret booking a flight that early but hopefully we'll have more time over there.

We're only missing two days of school. Friday and Monday. Our flight is pretty late on Sunday night so we won't be going to school the next day.

That being said, both me and Brennan are glad we don't have to go to school after the trip. It would've been to hard with the tiredness and jet lag.

Like always, school went by excruciatingly slow. I don't know what it is about school going by slowly when you have something fun and exciting happening that day.

But finally after 8 hours of pure pain, Brennan and I were on our way home in his 'baby', as he calls his car.

"Baby, I'll go home and pack while you go home and pack. Then we can get some dinner in whoever's house and get some sleep before we have to get up early. Kay?" I asked him when we pulled up to his driveway.

"So bossy. But sexy." He said to me teasingly. I shoved his shoulder and got out of the car.

I heard him run up behind me, grab my waist and push me up against the front door.

"Now that wasn't very nice was it baby?" He said to me, kissing up and down my neck. I just shook my head in response.

"Come on baby. You know I like a verbal answer." "No Brennan. It wasn't very nice." I said back to him slowly, slightly aroused by his tone of voice.

"Now. I want you to go upstairs and pack your bag. Say goodbye to your parents and then come straight back to my house. Ok?" "Yes." 'Daddy.' I wanted to add at the end of my sentence.

"Good girl." He pulled away from me, tapped my bum and let me go inside.

I ran inside, said a quick hello to my parents and went straight to my room.

I grabbed my suitcase from the closet and tried to find some cute outfits for Paris.

When I had everything picked, I grabbed the Victoria secrets bag and pulled out the skimpy lingerie. This would be a surprise for him.

After I packed everything in my suitcase, I went downstairs to my parents.

"Hey guys. Sorry I was in such a rush. I just wanted to get everything ready. Also I'm staying in Brennan's if that's ok?" I asked my parents.

"Of course that's fine sweetie. Wouldn't want you waking us up anyway." My mom said laughing.

"What time are you leaving at?" My dad asked me. "Well our flight is at 2:30 so maybe like 12ish. I like being there early yano?" I said back to him.

After giving both my parents a hug and kissed them on the cheek, I walked over to Brennan's house with my suitcase and handbag with me.

Ashley has told me to just walk into the house. She said there was no point in me ringing the doorbell when I'm always over so much.

So that's what I did. I walked into the house, left my suitcase by the front door and went to see where everyone was.

I heard talking coming from the kitchen so that's where I went first.

Walking in, I saw Ashley and Amanda sitting at the island drinking milkshakes.

"Hi Oli." Amanda said to me excitedly. "Hello Mandy." I said back to her, kissing her forehead.

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