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paint cans can not

paint my world in color.




"well, i didn't know it

would come to this

that's what happens when you're

on your own."

lana del rey +++ pawn shop blues

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lana del rey +++ pawn shop blues




remodeler's POV

i never return to the house after jungkook brings me back that despicable dog collar. i'm up all night in the workshop, thinking about everything. 


i know if i did return to the house, i might have taken my anger out on jungkook more than i already have. and i don't want to do that.

all because of a certain, motherfucking client.

fucking george and that stupid bitch of a dog vivi. doubtless that pink collar belongs to her--what else would it be from? he knows something. he must. does he know where i live or did he somehow put the damn thing into my van when i wasn't looking? perhaps under the wheel of the van, hoping it would choke up my tire on the freeway, causing me to inevitably crash into the semi driving alongside me, windshield splintering inwards and slicing into my body, killing me on impact?

that coniving son of a bitch!

it had to have been him. why else would i have a dog collar in my fucking DRIVEWAY.

i hastily make my may out of the workshop and into the untrustworthy light of dawn. a close examination of my property yields no more suspicious objects. that wealthy bastard really knows how to tick me off, surely he knows more about me than he lets on. this wasn't just some accident--i positively did not grab a dog collar to put into my van. there's no way. he must've done it. he must have fucking done it.

perhaps he only meant it as a knee-slapper, some ancient form of misunderstood humor to show his distaste with his pet. that stupid, bitchy dog. 

no, george could not have left this here--even if he managed to trace the landline back to this address, he wouldn't have been able to enter my property. there is a black metal gate blocking access to the driveway. unless he navigated miles of thicket-ridden woods and dropped the collar midday in plain sight, he couldn't have left it here.

which means he left it on my car. 

or i unknowingly ran over his dog on my way out. by why now, when i skim over this gravel, are there no tufts of fur? no blood stains? no sign of vivi's corpse?

thɘ remodelɘr ( + j.jk) ✓Where stories live. Discover now