quinquaginta tres

519 55 13

run around the track-

the lines are always circling you.




"wrong, i know, killing someone...

it gets a little easier when you've done it once.

you know that i'm fun, you know that i'm young

so tell me you're mine, let's get it on."

lana del rey +++ kinda outta luck

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lana del rey +++ kinda outta luck




third person POV

jungkook puts the car into reverse as the workshop and house burn out of control. the fire licks into the november night with passion, its blaring hues illuminating every piece of gravel with startling clarity. in the dingy driver's seat of the shitty ford focus, jungkook pauses to admire the breathtaking inferno eating up the last of taehyung's possessions--their possessions. 

he relaxes as the acrid smoke drifts past the windows, fogging up the windshield. if the shootout has fucked with his nerves, then the roaring conflagration is the medicine to sooth his agitated body. 

the car's motor rumbles indecisively, as if it isn't sure if it wants to carry its passengers away from the fire. if they had all the time in the world, jungkook would love to sit in the car and watch the flames dance around. it would be their little movie date at the drive-in theatre, and taehyung would probably let him sit on his lap during the interim while pressing kisses to his cheeks.

but he knows taehyung isn't well enough--the remodeler has nodded off in the passenger seat, face pale even in the bright glow of the fires.

he needs to get them away from the battleground. away from it all. he doesn't know where he's going to drive them, but getting away is a necessity.

with shaky driving skills--he hasn't driven much since he's been awol from work for a few months--he maneuvers the damaged rust-bucket out of the driveway. the door to the black gate lays off to the side of the entrance, twisted in a lopsided pile. jungkook winces as the side of the car clips against a black rail, hoping the movement doesn't bother taehyung.

thankfully, his love doesn't stir. jungkook bites his lip in relief, pressing a little harder on the accelerator once they get out onto the main road. 

he has no idea where they are, or what country roads he should take to find a cheap motel. after turning randomly down a few roads based on his gut, he remembers that taehyung has his phone on him.

he can get directions much faster using technology. in a relatively deserted spot, jungkook pulls the car over on a patch of grass and cuts the engine.

thɘ remodelɘr (k.th + j.jk) ✓Where stories live. Discover now