23. Rose

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Sometimes in life everything goes smoothly,
And sometimes unexpected happens,
The important thing, knowing how to turn problem into opportunities.


Karuna Pov

After Raj left I came back to my room and lie down on my bed. I started thinking about Raj. I realise, only thinking about him makes me blush.

I can't believe how my life took a U-turn. I still remember that day when he came to my house for the first time. I started liking him the moment I saw him but he broke my heart by confessing that he is gay and now when all the misconceptions are clarified finally we both are going to get married.

"Thank you Ena for selecting such an awesome life partner for me.", I wishpered and drifted off to sleep.

'Tring Tring'

I was sleeping peacefully when this irritating alarm started ringing and disturbed my beauty sleep.

To protect my ears from that irritating sound I covered them with the pillows as hard as I can but the sound is too strong even these pillows can't protect my ears from hearing it.

Being irritated I stretched my right arm to reach the alarm clock and turned it off. I sat down straight irritatedly.

That sound may irritate me but I am glad that today I woke up because of that sound not because of that stupid dream.

I get up from the bed and went towards the washroom to finish my morning chorus.

Soon I got ready for school and came downstairs to have my breakfast.

While going down I silently prayed to God,

'Please don't let me face Paa'

I am still feeling embarrassed because of yesterday's encounter with Paa.

I think today God is in the mood to tease me because only Paa is sitting there on the couch and reading the newspaper while having his morning tea.

I guess I am overreacting about this situation. He is my father and because of my embarrassment I can't ignore him forever.

'Arrrr! I hate you Raj for putting me in such situation.', I wishpered irritatedly.

"Good morning Paa.", I greeted him hesitatingly.

"Good morning beta.", Paa said happily.

"Today also you are going to school. Why don't you take leave?", Paa suggested me.

"No Paa, I can't do that. I have to complete my syllabus on time and because of marriage rituals I will have to take a lot of leaves in the future.", I said.

I don't know how will I manage in future? because exams are coming closer and my wedding too. I will have to complete the syllabus as soon as possible so that I can enjoy my own wedding.

"I understand beta but Tandel's are coming to fix everything and I want you to be present there.", Paa said.

Even I also want to be present that time but I can't play with the future of my students. I am not selfish.

"Sorry Paa, but I will have to go. I hope Raj and his family will understand my situation.", I said and without waiting for Paa's reply I move towards the kitchen.

If I will do more argument with Paa then I will definitely miss my bus and then I will have to travel by public bus which I don't like and it's not easy to find a cab early in the morning.

I saw Maa preparing poha for breakfast.

"Did you prepared buttermilk?", I enquired.

I prefer having poha with some buttermilk and Maa always forget to make that.

She nodded her head in denial. I knew it.

I went towards the refrigerator, took out the curd and started preparing it by myself.

After having breakfast I said goodbye to everyone and left from the house.

As I reached on the bus stop all the students greeted me by saying 'Good morning mam' I greet them back and sat down on one of the empty bench while waiting for the bus to arrive.

After two minutes I saw Raj coming.

I became confused. What he is doing here? I get up from the bench and started going towards him when suddenly one student called me,


I turn around to see who has called me. It's a small girl.

"Good morning mam.", She said while giving me a red rose. So sweet.

"Thank you so much.", I said happily while taking the flower from her.

After giving me rose she shyly ran and went towards her friends group.

I again turned around to see Raj but he is nowhere to be seen. I moved my head from left to right to see if he went somewhere else but I didn't find him.

Where did he suddenly vanished? or Maybe I am imagining him?

I again came back and sit down on the same bench.

Suddenly I felt something on my right shoulder I turned my face to see that it was someone's hand. The moment I was going to lift my head up to have a look on the person's face who has kept hand on my shoulder the same person blocked my eyesight with another hand.

"Who's it?", I enquired.

That person didn't replied. I touched the hand which is on my eyes and tried to guessed who it can be?

By touching it I can assure that it's a man's hand then suddenly I realise it can be Raj because I saw him few seconds before.

"Raj?", I said doubtfully.

"How did you find out?", He said while removing his hands from my eyes and keeping it on my other shoulder.

The moment he removed his hand I lifted up my head to look at him and smiled or I guess I blushed.

He came Infront of me and folded his arms Infront of his chest and looked  at me questioningly.

"Magic! I have one hidden eye on my back.", I answered teasingly.

He kept his right thumb below his chin and started tapping his left cheeks by his forefinger 🤔 as if he is thinking deeply.

By watching him doing that I started laughing loudly and he also joined me.

"Come let's go.", He said.

"Where?", I enquired.

Instead of answering me he grabbed my left hand and dragged me with him.

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