31. its coming

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"I told you what hurt me most and you did it perfectly

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"I told you what hurt me most and you did it perfectly."


After stiles left I went into my room.
Im a banshee? Why- how?
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I asked myself. I got nervous really fast.
After 1 hour of doing literally nothing, I felt something strange. Like someone is pushing my chest.
I looked around the room but nobody was there?
A picture of my wall fell down and broke into half.
It was a picture of me and my mom.

I slowly picked it up and tried to fix it but It didn't work.
Im just gonna ask dad later to help me. Suddenly another picture fell down.
The moment it hit the ground I knew someone would die today.
But I don't know who.

I grabbed my phone which was laying on my bed and called Scott.
"Hey what's up" I was happy he picked up because it was late.
"Scott I-I have this feeling t-that someone's gonna die today" I stutter.
"Wait what?" he asked not believing me.
"It's hard to explain but I'm half banshee I figured it out today!" I literally screamed into the phone.

Scott went silence.
"You know who?"
"Shit" he hung up on me.
Wait? Why?
After I starred at the phone I decided to call stiles.
Nobody picked up.
I tried again
Nobody picked up.

Maybe he's asleep?
Suddenly someone knocked on my window it made me jump.
I opened it and saw Scott.
He gave me a sign to follow him.
I turned off the lights in my room, grabbed some shoes and went out.
"What?" I asked kinda annoyed because he hung up on me without any reason at all.

"Stiles isn't picking up his phone"
"Yeah I know I tried to call him too" I catch up on him, he was going fast.
"What if he's going to die?" Scott finally stopped. I just laughed.
"You - are - serious?" I asked in a worried tone.
"What if the thing that scared the birds is coming?" Scott was walking around he was getting nervous I could smell it.

"Scott please just think Positiv" I tried to cheer him up
"Positiv? You are the one who said someone's gonna die today! And we don't fucking know who!" he screamed at me. Scott never screams.
I just starred at him with big eyes. I made a few steps away from him. I was scared for a moment.

"I'm sorry-"
"No forget it I'm gonna find him by myself" I back fired at him and left him in the dark.
I was alone on my way to find stiles. The first thing I checked was, of course, his house.

𝕀 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕕𝕚𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 / Stiles x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now