Chapter 2

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There will be a certain time when this music is best played, you will just come across the note I left on when to do it... But its up to you whether to play it or not enjoy :)💛💛💛

Pucca's POV

Next day~

Locked up in my room, all these thoughts consuming me. I am too tired
To even get up my bed.

Hmph! This is the feeling of losing the will to live because of a heartbreak.. to be honest I am never like this.

I was always a positive girl, no matter what comes my way, I try to be happy even if it hurts so bad. But faking happiness also has a disadvantage. People think your always okay, when your not.. I was said to be a happy person, yet when it comes to myself alone I kept every pain and tears inside of me. No one saw and nobody knows.

Especially Garu...

He doesn't realize every time he pushes me away, it breaks me. Everytime he looks at me disgusted and irritated, it pains me... Most of all... everytime he doesn't love me and ignores me, shattered my heart.. All of that, I handled it aloneeee *sigh

I went down stairs to freshen up and stress eating I guess.

"Hi pucca! Breakfast is ready" Uncle Dumpling said.. then he looks at me curiously.

I just nod my head as a reply

"Pucca are you okay?" Uncle Linguini asked concerningly.

I didn't answer him but I repayed a smile instead. Then I went back up to my room. I really dont feel opening up to someone right now.

I want to be alone...

"Her eyes looks puffy.. I think she cried" Dumpling concluded

"Hmmm I think so too but we should give her space for the time being right now. I think she wants to be alone.. We will confront her if she's ready" Ho answered him. Never losing the hint of worry in his voice.

"I dont want Pucca getting hurt" Linguini said and they all sigh as their niece hurriedly went back to her room.


I'm back in my room thinking of a way to do somethingg. I dont want to go outside right now epecially the thought of seeing garu..

I lay down on my bed and spotted the picture of me and garu..

I reached out for it with a heavy heart.. Hmmm even in this picture, he was just force to be with me. His smile looks so unhappy.. Then my tears starts to fall down one by one as I remembered our memories together..

(i think this is the best time to play the music above..)

Walking in the rain, I saw him for the very first time.. My heart beats rapidly faster than usual and my body is reacting to it.

I melt with this feeling. A feeling called love at first sight.. it was like I yearn for him with the depths of my soul..

That was when I start chasing himm and still became friends with him..

Even if in his view, he was forced to encounter with me and he was forced to be my friend because of Ching and Abyo..

As desperate as it can be, I disregarded those thoughts because I love him.. I will still take that chance so I could still be with himm and maybe he could see.. We were meant to be.. i guess not necessarily if that she; would be me...

"Garuuu!!! Wait uppp!!" rushing towards him

He looked at me annoyingly and hurried off, not even a glance back.

"I will not give uppp!!" I said happily but my heart was numb that time


Every day I chased him.. gave him all my hugs, kisses and especially the love I have..

"Got youuu!!!" I pounced at him.. he quickly dodged it.

Leaving me in the dust..

I got back up and chased him until the sun sets.. "i will get you someday"... with my heart full of hopee..


Those times when we hanged out... those times I kissed him, I would see hatred in his eyes... However, I still smiled because I got the chance to be affectionate towards him..

"If only you knew how much it hurts garu"

Feeling upset and losing hope


I was always protecting him from danger.. not caring for myself.. I just want him safee even if it means risking my lifeee...

Tobe and garu fighting, then garu was thrown up in the airr because tobe ambushed him with his ninja's..

"No!!! Garuuuu... You will regret that!!!... Hyaaaaa!!!!" I punched them so hard that they went flying up into the sky..

"Garuu!! Are you okay?!" I asked immidiately.. worried on what may happened to him..

But he just looked at me and went off.. not even a thank you because of his vow..

I just wished he would at least smile back at me then.. the little things I do.. will be worth the world for me...


I tried those chances to be with him.. disturbing him and annoying him with affection..

"Hey Garu!! I love youuuu!! Please go out with mee!!" I said cheerfully but I was really thrembling and nervous..

"Hmph" he said then turned red.. i dont know if he was angry or blusing.

So i hugged him tightly~

"Tsk!" He pushed me on the ground that made me unhook my arms clinging around his neck, from the hug I gave.. I fell hard that made my face hurt from the impact..

Teary eyes starts to unfold... A broken heart was even more teared into pieces..

"Why do you always reject me, I tried to be the one for you"

Ughhhhhh!! I held on to the picture and threw it with all my might.. Why can't you just love or care for me onceeee!!!.. even if it was just for a short timeee.. I would be happy although if its not permenantly..

I wish I didn't have to get so close to youuu. I wish you continued to not be my friend even if Ching and Abyo were there.

I hoped you didn't lead me on with those simple acts of care.. not knowing whether its true or fake..

All those times you walked away. I wish you gave my heart back.. You wont even notice the love I gave was genuine and fragile..

The regret in my eyes meeting youu, but much more regretful of loving someone likeee youuu.. this pain grew each day with the fact of loving you all the wayy..

You were so close to my heart that I wouldn't want to let gooo.. the joy you brought in me was difficult to trade more than anything.

But this pain torments me and its time to take it away.. the immature annoying girl who loved you with all her heart, will finally give up because her heart can't take anymore pain and the feeling of being unwanted; will never more beat the radiant light of love once again..

I give up my dear hero,
I'm tired and I'm not ready to function in love again.


Hope you like it😊💛.. I really am not confident with the stories I write though but yeahhh i tried haha >^<

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