Chapter 9

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Garu's POV

Walking in the moonlight, I saw someone. Someone so familiar, when I looked at it closely; I realized it was Pucca. No wonder the girl looks so dazzling in the light, how crystal clear she stands out in the dark.

Seemingly with my clumsiness as I stared at her dumbstruck, I fell out of the bushes causing her to acknowledge me with my presence.

She gladly held out her hand to help me up and I willingly obliged.

When I was back on my feet, we were just standing so close looking at the moon and stars. Until I made her face me ,which turned her surprised by my sudden action.

Obviously looking at her now, feeling so close. I realized how I missed her face, smile, cuteness a-and.. everything...

She was not the once childish girl who would chase me until dawn and even across the world. Because the girl standing in front of me now, looks like a different person. With no love in her soul. She looks at me like I'm a stranger in her eyes even though we were friends.. if I ever treated her that way...

Then suddenly without thinking my arms cling on to her making me hug her, with all the longing and desire for her to come back in my arms. Feels like my body has a mind of its own.. or maybe this is what my heart was saying..

Enjoying the moment in her arms, feels so good like the once hole in my heart was filled up again. However good things all come to an end, she pushed me away and looked at me; uninterested.

"Were just friends Garu" She finally uttered with her voice, which I kinda missed cause she started not talking like me. Nevertheless, I felt the cold and harsh in her words, that made me flinch on the spot.

After that she went off, leaving me hanging with my thoughts on the ground.

Looking up to the sky, my eyes were starting to blur and finally tears are now streaming down my face. I couldn't hide it anymore, the pain was unbearable. She said that with so much confident, no hurt or uncertainty in her voice.

There's nothing wrong with what she said, but the words 'were just friends' doesn't suit her because she always wanted to be more. Does this mean, she doesn't l-like me anymoree. That even she, decided to only remain us friends... means she gave up loving me or being with me...

With the thought I was bawling my eyes out with tears. Nooooo! I can't accept it.... she was not only a fan girl to me... she was a friend... a special friend dearly in my heart...

"Garuuu!! Are you okayyy!?" Ching rushed over to me, worried as heck with Abyo by her side..

I looked at her with tears in my eyes, still falling out. I took a deep breath and shook my head as my answer that I'm not okay... really...completely not okayyyy..

"Ouch buddy.. What happened back there was intense phewww" Abyo said, making me realize they were spying.

I furrowed my eyebrows at them questioningly and glared my gaze..

"Okayyy okayyy.. maybe we kinda followed you all the wayy here.. to check if you were alright.. and we hehe slightly witnessed everything.." Ching said hesitantly that made Abyo gulp of nervousness.

"Sorry buddy were just worried.. but what really happened back there? We couldn't quite understand what happened and why are you bawling your eyes out." Abyo asked

Whereas memories flooding back from earlier are haunting me again and made more tears come down..

"Hey Garuu.. Shhhh everything will be okayy.. just let it all out" Ching calmly said and pated my back soothingly comforting me.. she was always like a sister to me especially to Pucca.

Thinking about her now, makes me feel worse about myself. Until it clearly hit me on why I feel this pain and grief....

"I--I like her" I said in a shaky voice, still crying in front of them.

"Garu youu spokee!!" They both said shockingly surprised..

"You broke your vow of silence garu" Ching remarked.

"You know there are consequences after that" Abyo added.

"I know, but I can't handle all this anymore. I just had to let it out.." I exclaimed

"Okay back to topic that you like her.. Do you mean Pucca?" Ching asked hopefully that I would say yes.

"I-I do, I do like Pucca"

"That's wonderful Garu..You should go and confess to her.. I'm sure she would be so pleased and happy that you finally reciprocated her feelings after a long time" Ching said excitedly squealing now..

"But she said we were just friends.. Obviously stating that she doesn't like me anymore and that she gave upp on me!" I shouted with the pain in my heart that was being crashed by every words I said.

"On the bright side, she didn't tell you that she's no longer in love with you.. Maybe theres still hope because she only said you both were just friends, deep down she's saying otherwise.. please garu, dont give up and try to pursue her with your affection" Ching reasoned out with her advice.

I just stood up and started walking away, tears are still forming in my eyes.

Leaving them still shocked on what they witness now..

"Garu talked" Abyo said still hard to believe

"He cried and likes Pucca now" Ching added but screamed with delight on knowing the fact he finally likes her best friend now...

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