Chapter 21

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A/N: Take note this was happening in a different time line. So it means the scene was happening faster than the outside world. And Garu is still doing his business on the other side ;)

3rd POV

~Deep within the heart of Pucca~

There lies the real girl who once loved Garu... It was said to be she kept herself locked away from the depths of her heart.. The very bottom of it, she dwelled for so long to stop herself from continuously loving and being hurt by the same person.

Surrounding her were figures of walls created as stones of ice, never to be bothered from crashing down. It formed as her protection and solituted from anyone breaking her.

Then there were chains all over her chamber heart doors, seeing this as the outercore of the heart; located before the sheer walls of ice.

Ensuing that this was the way to keep out unwanted people and to keep herself from wanting the perception of being in love again...

Now you see that she trapped herself inside this barriers with ropes tied down her feet, not letting her go.

She was kneeling down with tears bursting out her eyes, flooding the corners of her heart. Achieving the goal to move on and finally stop her never ending heartbeat for someone who didn't loved her.

Pucca's POV

Yes, as you can see I'm the real Pucca and I've been crying my heart out within my time here.

Tied down with this ropes, I'm glad to stay away from Garu for awhile. He doesn't need me nor care about me anyway.. What's the point of living on the top if I'll get hurt over and over again... I like it here even if loneliness and regrets are filling up the void in me.

Peacefully smiling at the thought of finally moving on, I heard a voice from the outside.. It was so familiar... Like my heart yearns for that sound everyday of my life, never getting tired of listening to it.

However, all I hear was a muffle sound.. Can't quite understand it, for the voice was low and soft to unravel.

Surprisingly the sound waves went through the chain of walls.

"I love you Pucca so much"

I recognized that voice... from someone who I assumed was forgotten.. it was Garu!...

I tried to know the other words he explained to my outer self, then it was all disrupt when I felt something on my lips.

Shockingly that I discerend the touch from the outside. I wasn't been able to from my time here. Awared on how I can't feel anything even pain nor love beyond up there.

Now, I can finally sense it.. After all this time, I came upon him again.. In this situation now, kissing was unexpected.

Although i felt his love and sincerity, which makes me want to go out there and kiss him too.

"Garu!...I'm here!"

"Garu!!" I said consistently

"No!! Let me go!" I yelled out, wriggling out of this ropes.

"It's useless Pucca! You will never escape here"

"Who are you?" I asked, fear starts to consume me.

"Dont you remember me dear.. I'm you"

"Me? How?"

"How forgetful of you Pucca. You still remembered the jerk who caused your heartaches every single day. But you can't remember your own self" She laughed mocking me

A Late Blossom (Under Editing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat