Chapter 10

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Garu's POV

I reached my house, still weary and in pain. Mio welcomed me but I didn't have the mood right now. I was in deep thought heading towards my room, it all feels so pitchy..

In the corner of my room, I went to pick up something in my drawer.. I haven't pulled this out until now.. I guess it was meant for me to kept in a secret place..

Holding it carefully with so much importance. I started to tear up from all the things that happened especially the mistakes I made..It was like the pain was too much to handle.

I didn't know my actions until now, I felt so horrible. All I could describe myself was a complete jerk.. A jerk who had taken her for granted and ignored her feelings.. I was an idiot..

I deserve the pain that I'm feeling right now because I've broken someone like her.. She deserves to be loved and cherished.. I can't be that man after everything I did..

If only I told her earlier.. If only I let her knew I cared even if I dont show it, for it was my way of appreciating her.. maybe even my affection.. since I don't know how to be gentle and caring, I did it in my own none obvious way.

I was only protecting her too and... I was afraid of falling in love because it wasn't my priority nor in my ninja ways..

How come I've only realized now, she was a gem in my hand and I let it slip away from me. Cause now she already moved on without me in her life.. While I can't, deep inside I am never going too. It was never the same if she's out of the picture. She was always there, I always kept her deep than just an outside front show.

I regret not telling her...

《●●●best part to play the music●●●》

The day she was chasing me was a tiring routine to do in my life. She's just so flirty, childish and even crazy about me ughh..I hate it so much...

Until it went dark out, which means its already night time.. I checked Pucca if she was still following me, but I saw her walk away and head straight to home I guess. She looks sad and tired..

So I followed without her knowing. I know I sounded a stalker, yet I'm worried and I want her safe going home.
She is a girl and its night, wont want anything bad to happen.

Watching her from the trees, I saw her finally arrived at her house. I was relieved and happy just knowing she's alright.

A smile crept on my face, not knowing why. Maybe it was because I somehow too, cared for her on the inside.

She also had a place in my heart... brushing off my thoughts I went home contented..


I was fighting Tobe until she came and helped me.. ugh I dont want her here... she could get hurt, so I attacked many ninja's as I can that she wouldn't have to deal with it....

However I was wrong, she beated up all the ninja's including Tobe up in the air. I guess I always underestimate her.. she was really a strong and one of a kind girl..

She looked at me and I averted my gaze from her, then went off leaving her there.

Unfortunately, I didn't really taken my eyes off her and I saw the pain in her eyes as she was about to collapse.

As her body fell down, I bolted straight towards her.. feeling uneasy and extremely worried at the same time... gosh thats why I dont want her in my battles... she got hurt again... because of mee.. I never wanted this to happen, yet I hurt her emotionally *sigh

I fled off carrying her in my arms, wishing the she was okay cause I'll never forgive myself.

I layed her down and took care of her. Not leaving her side until her eyes were about to open. So I quickly dashed out of the window, hoping she didn't saw me.

She opened her eyes and her Uncles came in asking her what happened. Pucca just shrug not remembering the incident..

"Pheww I'm just glad she's alright" staring at them as I hurriedly went back home to rest.


Every time I reject Pucca, I would always feel bad. Its not like I hate her, I really can't show my affection or any romantic gesture. Specially I dont know how too..

But little did I know, she was the one who can start making me do those things. Cause when she starts to get unhappy, upset and cry her heart out.

I sometimes go to her house at night, leaving a rose I picked out her window. And that reminds me of her, the red color she has and on how perfect she looked in that color. Was breathtaking for me. She doesn't know, for I always stay calm about it esepcially when I thought it was too obvious, although sometimes its hard to hide my blush and stare of admiration.

Actually its also my token of apology too because I always hurt her feelings and make her feel heartbroken even unwanted

To be honest I always saw her pain, no matter how hard she masked it with her smile, tears are still present in her eyes. I also heard the words she mumbles and shouted at me. Like she would not give up, she would wait and that she was hurting so much..

"You were never nothing cause your a someone to me" if only you knew whats truly in heart... it was never a facade..


Regret and guilt came over me as I remember all the memories with Pucca and the things I've done; with the reason behind it.

Ohh how I regret everything.. I regret being mean. I regret pushing her away... And I regret not giving importance to her...

Now that I realized I dont have infatuation nor liking her is the term.

Because...I love her... I officially truly fell in love with her... i thought it was just a mere crush for her or admiring her.. But it was something more than that, I wouldn't feel the extreme pain in my heart if I didn't have strong feelings for her righhtt.. so it is love...

That's why I felt all those weird feelings about her.. the reason I see her different than others... And I describe her with cliché things... I may deny it and I may lie about it, but I can't fake my feelings for Pucca; it feels so unreal, yet my heart desires this..

On how beautiful and at the same time cute she is.. her laugh,her smile, her sparkling eyes and her adorable buns; complements her.

The reason I flutter, with my heart beating twice as fast was because of Pucca...

I was to late too realized, that made me sobbed. Letting go of the flower she once gave and the picture frame of me and her. Placing it at the top of my desk as my prize possession.

"I lost the moon while waiting on stars"

(This is the picture Garu was holding in his hand; the frame and the rose)

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(This is the picture Garu was holding in his hand; the frame and the rose)


Thank you guys for supporting and hope you continue this story for more chapters😊💗... the characters and pictures are not mine, so credits to those who owns it😘💛.. However, I edit some pics to spice it up💙

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