Chapter 6

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Pucca's POV

This passed few weeks had been busy for me.. I am glad I can help my Uncles, but I distanced myself from my friends. I didn't see them for a while especially Garu..

Hmm why did he suddenly grabbed my wrist yesterday.. Probably nothing...

In my room, it was a good isolation of stress.. Looks much better too, now that I change it to black and white.

Eventually my Uncles came into the room to pick up the thing I ask them to do.. it was useless anyway..

Afterward I went to that place, which I've been going on my break to relieved from everything.

Garu's POV

I was spying on someone... She was really acting strange and it looks like she had somewhere to go..

I wanted to follow her, but she would think I'm a stalker. Despite that she looks so pretty in the daylight sun, oh how she shines bright riding her scooter.

I shook my head, removing these thoughts.. What am I even doing, this makes the table turned between us.. she  was the stalker one not me.. it was always Pucca but why is it me now..

Few months later~

Many had happened this few months. I keep training hard and battling Tobe or some other bad guy than him..

Pucca was less seen, she was always distant and busy with work. When she would stumble upon me, she would avoid me or just smile. It was always awkward for me, with the fact we were close once but right now its completely different. I feel like she's so far away, not that I didn't run away from her before, she just seem so mature now.

My once fan girl doesn't go crazy about me anymore. To be honest I dont really hate her, I guess I was just not use to her flirty attitude. It puts me in pressure of feeling love and distracting me from my duties as a ninja.

Right now, I really want to be her friend again. Not like we weren't before but things are different now. She's already matured and not childish. I can freely be friends with her now, I can make our friendship work without her being a flirt and maybe I could fix my once jerky attitude towards her.

I jumped in front of her, making her eyes widened from surprised..She stop her scooter and tilt her head questioningly on why the heck I popped in the middle of her driving.

I scratch my neck nervously and fidget my fingers too. Gosh why does my mind jump into this kind of plan.. Stupid

She looked at me and raised her hand holding deliveries, giving me the idea that she was busy and she needs to go.

So she drove off and I was left with a heavy sigh..

When will she hangout with me like we used to... nothings the same anymore...

I looked at the trees and cherry blossoms are starting to bloom..

"I am surely everything has change now"

And I mean everything... then I walked back to my house because I was really exhausted from my life right not.

A Late Blossom (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now