Chapter 11

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Ching's POV

Me and Abyo were having a date until I felt somethings wrong.. or maybe someones missing... hmmmm.. I got it we haven't been able to hangout with Pucca and Garu.. I wonder what are they doing right now..

"Abyo.. Did you realized that Pucca and Garu are spending less time with us.. Also I haven't seen Garu in days after the incident.. Do you think his all right or something bad happened" I panicked.

"Chill Babe.. Maybe their just busy in doing their thing... And besides we know Pucca is dedicating her time working right now..but we should visit Garu, he probably needs us after that day you know.. when he broke his vow of silence and said he liked Pucca" Abyo recalled.

"Yeah we should"

Then we went off to Garu's house to really see what happened to that ninja *sigh

Abyo knocked on the door, but no one was answering. Hence, we kicked the door open finding Garu on the ground, staring at the ceiling; looking lifeless.

"Garu, what the heck!.. why are you sulking around and locking yourself in your house" I scolded him like a big sister...

"Oooooooohh I look more cooler now than Garu MWUAHAHAHA..He lost his
composure and damn he looks ugly now with his crying face" Abyo bragly joked around feeling over confident about his self.

"Abyo stop it.. Garu needs our comfort right now and your just making jokes about him"

"Hehe sorry Ching and Garu" Abyo apologized.

"So Garu answer my question from earlier"

He remained silent and stiff.. hmmm I thought he broke his vow.. was I dreaming that day...

"Its about P-Pucca...I just can't accept that I lost her... she doesn't love me anymore... I was too late.. if only I told her!" Garu said in grief.

"Oh Garu, its now over till she said its over.. You still got a chance to get her back.. Its time for you to flirt back I guess and show her your true feelings. Dont give up since she never did that you , even if you kept pushing her away and the time you still didn't love her" I advised.

"Stay strong Garu, don't mope around here and do nothing.. Go get your girl!" Abyo encouraged.

"Your right.. thanks guys" Garu said starting to smile..

"So why don't we go to the Dojo, for you to entertain yourself and be distracted from your misery" Abyo requested..

Thus we all agreed and excitedly marched our way with Garu hooked on both are arms; still feeling gloomy...

Garu's POV

As your clearly see, they made me come out of my house. Knowing my weakness is training and fighting, they made it as their trick..

I really dont have the mood right now. Thinking back to what happened, I shut myself from the outside world... just because of a heartache... how stupid to think, I dont want to experience love cause of pain too, yet it happened from me denying this fact..

"Oy Garu, lets fight now" Abyo challenged me

I nod and kicked him surprisingly. He stand back up and planned to punch me, but I dodge it. grabbing his hand and held him down.

Abyo was not finish and tried to elbow strike me. Countering it, I side kicked him at his left leg and immediately flipped backward to avoid his next move.

"Nice work Garu.. Another round" Abyo said not giving up

"Sure" I said continuing our fight.

Some time later, we also did boxing and sparring.

Moreover,I reflected that in fighting we can't just give up even if were hurt. We stand back up to prove ourself and win our hearts desire.. hmmm I suppose this is like the current situation I'm in right now. But the difference is that, its a fight  in love to conquer one's feeling to be requited.

A battle where theres a chance you win and lose. A kind of fight to not give up aswell if it hurts you. The strength in your heart with the require to win will be worth it in the end; as the goal was achieved.

I'm not giving up now.. I'll get you back Pucca even if its the last thing I do.

"Giving up was never an option, it was always a choice in the first place"

A Late Blossom (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now