Chapter 12

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Pucca's POV

Starting my work early, I cleaned up the restaurant and organized things.

"Pucca your up early?" Uncle Dumpling said

"I wanted to start my day with work and help you guys early... so you wouldn't have to fret of getting exhausted early in the morning" I said

"Awe were so lucky to have a niece like you" Uncle Ho complemented that made me giggle as an answer.

"But you dont have to focus yourself on just work... You could hangout with your friends, lately we think that you aren't spending time with them. Specially Garu, your not chasing him anymore"

I stayed silent not answering his question..then I went to the other side of the room to clean the tables and arrange the chairs to escape the topic about him. I know where it will lead if I answer, so its best I stayed shut for the time being.

"They musn't know" I said to myself coldly, glancing at them once more. I went off to that place, secretly not letting them notice I was gone on my break. Afterwards I will just be back to work later on.

Garu's POV

I was awoken by the stray of light from my window, opening my eyes I saw the ceiling...with Abyo's face dangling from it!. Startled, my eyes shot wide open.

"Hi buddy.. I guess I'm your sunshine in the morning.. Am I right teheee" Abyo fooled around, starting to fall from the ceiling..

"Ahhh!!" Abyo shrieked like a girl falling on top of me as a throw pillow.

"Woah I guess I fell for you eyyy" Abyo sneered making me push him, disgusted was seen through my face.

I groaned annoyed as ever. Early in the morning and I get to see that terrible ugly face of his..

"Okay guys break it up" Ching said coming from the door.

"Why was he on my ceiling?.. It was the worst view in my entire life" I bluntly said.

"Yah Garu that hurt, I'm much more handsome than you.. I got all the ladies and you dont" Abyo proclaimed making Ching ticked off..

"Oh really Abyo.. just shut it okay.. you have a girlfriend" Ching said angered plastered on her face.

Abyo was terrified, so he piped down. Making me roll my eyes at him.. pshhh that made him shut up, what a scaredy cat when Ching's pissed.

"Serves your right" I said making him glare at me, still had his mouth zip.. I chuckled at the scene.

"Well Garu the reason Abyo was on your ceiling was because the door was just closed, so he went on the roof not knowing he would fall down from the hole he made.. And here's the best part, he didn't even try to open the door to see if its locked" Ching explained sighing in frustration.

I laughed at the thought. "I've got an idiot boyfriend, can someone trade me for someone smarter" Ching added

"Ching that's mwean..You must accept your bf even if his an idiot" Abyo pouted.

Eww thats some gross face, his not even cuter than a rock..

"Okay so why did you came here early in the morning?" I asked.

"We wanted to help you get back Pucca.. Especially with me as your guide, we'll make her fall for you even harder"Ching confidently said

"Don't over do it Ching...Keeping it simple but sweet is enough to make a girl fall" Abyo fought back with his opinion

"What do you know about being sweet huhhh?!!" Ching said starting to be annoyed.

"Fine you win" Abyo sigh in defeat

"Stop quarreling you love birds.. both of  you makes my head hurt early in the morning" I said

"Sure thing ninja boy"

"So back to topic.. You should be romantic to Pucca and have some charms like be flirty" Ching advised

"He should just give her flowers and chocolates or something" Abyo interfered, making Ching glare at him..


"Of course m-mam" Abyo stuttered

"You should give her presents and be with her all the time.. Also take her out on a nice date and do some sweet gestures. For instance holding hands, hugging, your arms around her waist and maybe even kissing!.. Cheeks or lips can be fine" Ching said squealing like a fan girl.

"Also be gentle and show you value her. Be that kind of man in a relationship." Ching added

I covered my ears and slapped myself.. this is not me, this is not meee.. I'm in a dream, their not here.

"Yah Garu dont you dare block your ears when I'm talking got it!" Ching yelled, stopping me from covering my ears.

"Yeah yeah" I mumbled.

"Lets now start plan A of getting your precious Pucca back" Ching said excitedly.

"Well theres no harm in trying.. Thanks guys, I guess" I said not sure about this plan then I was surprised by someone slapped me in the head"

"What do you mean I guess. You should be grateful kid" Ching flared

"Gosh your girlfriend got tantrums.." I said while rubbing my head cause it hurts.

"You have no idea.. maybe she's on her period or something" Abyo teased her.

"What if I got that kind of thing but with Pucca!" I said making me shudder with horror.

"That would be a lot worse than mine" Abyo laughed

Suddenly we were slammed against each other in the head

"Yah! why do you always have to go for the head Ching" I complained

"Whats wrong with you woman!" Abyo asked looking pissed off too

"Nothing so lets go" She chirped about happily, walking out the door.

Me and Abyo exchange looks and said "Girls will be girls".. Next we followed Ching out the door, with her plan to make me pleased Pucca.

"Its time for Plan A: Getting her back"

A Late Blossom (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now