Chapter 8

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Garu's POV

I was walking down town. Lights shining brightly with the aura of love. While for me had a depressing mood in this even called valentines day.

Holding Ring Ring's chocolate it was starting to be crumpled up since I was holding it tightly.

3rd POV

Ching and Abyo were having a date until they saw Garu looking at Ring Ring's Chocolate.

"Abyo do you think whats going on in Garu's head that he is crushing Ring Ring's chocolate with his grip" Ching said

"I dont know but it looks like his unhappy about it" Abyo replied

"Garu was never like that. He looks upset"

"Why don't we follow him Ching to see if his really okay"

"Sure lets go! I really want to help Garu.. His like a brother to me" Ching said worriedly

At this point they followed Garu as he speeded off..

Little did they know, Garu's mind was consumed of Pucca and his memories with her. As in every little good or bad thing he remembers, that makes him feel terrible.

Garu's POV

Now that I found a rubbish bin, I got rid of Ring Ring's chocolate. I dont deserve this especially on what I've done to Pucca. I dont deserve any of their efforts and I dont freaking like Ring Ring.

When I finally threw it, I knew I wanted Pucca's chocolates than hers. I only looked forward to "her"

Garu didn't know someone was following him..

Then all of a sudden I saw a stall at the very edge of town.. It looks appealing and interesting. So I went there only to find an old lady selling love merchandise.

It feels like my feet brought me here for a reason.

"Hey young man... Why dont you buy something from my shop?" The old lady said

I looked around her shop and found something the caught my eye. I pointed that certain item to the lady.

"Oh thah. Nice choice! This is our one and only rare item left. Its called the sakiru clip" She said holding out a miraculously refined clip with cherry blossoms glisterring like twilight of stars.

I stared in awe struck at the clip. It seems like it was made by the heavens as it shines red and gold even pink sometimes.

"Well there is a tale in this young fellow ninja" The lady pointed out.

"This is a special gift for someone you love.. Give this and it will unlock the hearts deepest desire.. love will be requited and will conquer from one's genuine feeling of true love. From all reflections of the past, this will lead foward to a new start. Hearts opening all door will be bound together forvermore"

Wow I was impressed by her promotion on the item. She really had a good script, very provoking.

She gave me the clip and I gave my thanks with a smile and bow of gratitude.

" I hope you really loved that girl boy. I wish you good luch and remember things will get better just believe in yourself. And finally listen to your heart." Old lady advised

I nod and went off, noticing the clip is shining red and white.

Hearing only the last words of the old lady was "darkness"

Eventually the sun was about to set, so I decided to go to the forest. For I want to have an alone time; to plan my next move...

Ching's POV

"Abyo he looks like his going to that shop"

"Sure lets go before we lose him" Abyo said

We followed him and hide in the bush to see what his up to.

He was buying something, we can't quite make out on what his getting.

Then the old lady help up a clip and was talking some gibberish things for some reason especially we clearly dont understand what their talking about hehe.

Garu bowed at her and smiled. Taking the clip with him.

Finally we heard the lady said "I hope you really loved that girl boy".. yeah that was all we understand since she lowered her voice on the next part of her speech ughhh..

"Ching we didn't hear her last words"Abyo said

"Yeah but who is the girl she's talking about?" I said curiously

" And Garu had bought something for someone!" Abyo concluded not believing Garu would do such a thing

" So Garu has a woman he loves!!" We said in unison

Ohhh nooo Pucca isn't going to like this...

Hey everyone I really hope you liked this part😅💙.. looking forward for you to support the other chapters as well🙏💛...

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