His Mistress

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This chapter is going to be extremely 18+, mature content ahead.

Aaron's POV

It has been 3 days since my little argument and kiss with Ella, and for those 3 days she had been going out with Ethan despite my warning.

I haven't stopped thinking of the kiss, the way she melted into the kiss, the way her soft lips felt on mine, the way her lips taste like, she tasted like honey, so damn sweet I can't seem to forget the taste, I wanted more but I knew I shouldn't have more.

I had to stop thinking about her, I can't like her, she isn't my type. I just can't like her, she has nothing I want in a lady, she is nothing but my ticket to my grandfather's fortune.

I gently pulled my hair out of frustration, letting out a harsh breath when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I yelled.

The door opened, as Anthony stepped in.

"Hey dude. What's bothering you?" he said, as he walked over to me.

"Hey man, what makes you think I am bothered?"

"Your hair is like a bird nets, which means you have been pulling it" he pointed out "and you only do that when you confused or frustrated. So what's in your ass?" he sat down, leaning back in the chair.

I chuckled, damn he knew me too well.

" My wife."


"Yes Ella."

"What's wrong with her? Is she pregnant, OMG, am I going to be an uncle? I can't wait to see what little Aaron looks like." he blurted out.

"Shut up Tony. Ella is not pregnant."

"What? So I am not going to be an uncle yet?"

"Jesus christ. Tony can you please stop acting like a kid for once." I said, frustratedly.

"Woah, someone didn't get laid last night." he joked.

I picked up a stapler from my desk and threw it at him, missing him by an inch.

"Hey... I wasn't the one who deprived you a sweet pussy."

"Seriously... I am going to fucking kill you."

"Fine, I will get a transgender, so you can get to fuck me if Dani doesn't let you."

"What the fuck man." I chuckled.

"What? I am just trying to be helpful here." he put his hands up like in a surrender.

"Shut up.... I don't want you to get a transgender, if I need a pussy, I know where to get one."

Suddenly my office door opens, with a little noise.


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