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Daniella's pov 💋

After my quick lunch, Chris and Nora drove me over to ice-cream world to satisfy my urge for ice cream . I enjoyed their company, but still missed not having Aaron around.

So I asked Chris to drop me off at the company, it was few minutes till his lunch break was over, so I decided to give him a surprise visit.

I walked into the company, greeted by a few co-workers, as I headed straight for his office. Not bothering to knock on the door as I reached his office, I opened the door to his office.

I felt my heart hurt at the sight before me. Aaron was kissing his Mistress, with his shirt unbuttoned and she straddling him, her gown straps were down, showing off her pink push up bra. They both turned when they heard the door opened. A stupid smirk was on the face of the bitch, while I couldn't really get the expression on Aaron face.

I felt disgusted, I suppressed the nauseated feeling as I rushed out of the room. My heart felt like it was being shattered into a million pieces. It felt worse than I felt when I caught Ryan cheating on me

I ran as fast as I could to the elevator, fighting back the tears, I could feel my throat burn as I struggle with myself. "I won't cry over him again." I said to myself as I pressed the button for the ground floor, when I felt a strong hand suddenly grabbed my arm.


"Don't touch me." I yelled at him, as I pushed him,trying to break his hold on me.

"Ella, I can explain... It not what you think."

"I said don't fucking touch me." I screamed. "Get your hands off me.. I shouldn't have come here."

"Ella, please let me explain." he pleaded.

"You don't have to explain anything to me.. It's obvious, that you were enjoying your time with your whore. Do you know what? I don't give a darn what you do." I said, fighting back my tears.

"I couldn't sleep with her."

"That's because I walked in on you both." I yelled.

"No, damn it." he yelled, as he pulled me closer to him. "Ella, I couldn't go through with it because of you. I want you, no one else. Hell, I couldn't even get a boner with Susan, all I had is to see you and I got hard as rock."

I chuckled. "You must really think that I am stupid."

"Ella, I lo..."

"Enough, I've heard enough.. A leopard doesn't change its spot over night. I should have known better than to think you have changed." I said, as I pulled out of his hold. When his Mistress walked over, having a nasty smirk on her face as she walked over to me.

"Did you really think that he was going to change because of you? You can't even satisfy him in bed, a fat pig like you? News flash darling. "She said in her thick Spanish accent.

I'd had enough. I wanted to beat her so bad till she pulp, but I couldn't, I couldn't endanger my new found baby's life because of this whore.

The elevator door opened and I got in. I didn't want to hear any shit from Aaron's mouth.

Soon the door began to close and I bowed my head not wanting to look into his eyes. I was so irritated right now. The elevator door was soon shut and I was left alone there to think.

"Jerk! Asshole! Dick face!" I yelled at the door and threw a punch at it. "ouch!" I said holding the back of my hand I'd used to hit the door.

Soon, the elevator stopped at the ground floor, as the door opened up and I exited it, I bumped into something, or someone let me say. He was quite huge and tall. 6'6 I believe. He looked a lot like Steve Austin, the wrestler. Only difference was that he had hair and it was packed backwards in a ponytail fashion.

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