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"So, if I ever go to an amusement park, cotton candy is out for me" Zoey said and they laughed at her story "or wouldn't it be the other way around? More like the ride will be out for you?" Winston asked "that's the problem, I love roller coasters" she said "you, know I wouldn't have ever thought you were shy" Winston said "I get that a lot, I'm just like, shy in front of a group of people" she said and he nodded "hey, ty, don't get lost" Zoey said while linking their arms "we have to take photos" Zoey said and she nodded "I know" he said and the group came to a stop

"Two groups please! Two groups!" The teacher called and Zoey pulled Tyler away from splitting; pulling him closer to her

Clay watched as Zoey, Winston, and Tyler talked minding their business

Clay walked up to Alex getting caught by the teacher who told him go back to his group before walking off he told Alex to keep an eye on Zoey and Tyler


"Sanderson university is known for its state of the art facilities, and that's true" the tour guide person spoke while Zoey walked in between Alex and Tyler

"I'll catch up with you guys in a bit" Tyler said "wait, where are you going?" Alex asked "the entablature in this building, it's really impressive. I want to get it" Tyler said "be safe!" Zoey yelled and Tyler sent her a thumbs up with a big smile

"He loves his architecture" Winston said "yeah" Alex said "you guys been friends for a while?" Winston asked "uh...kind of since last year, he's a good guy, he's strange sometimes" Alex said "yeah, though not as awkward as Jeremy the tour guide" Alex said "hey, ty isn't weird he's himself and smart he's a great person, or I might just me weird too" Zoey said "definitely that, Zoe" Alex jokes and she laughed and they looked at Jeremy

"Pretty much everyone you'll see here is a "slasher" too" Jeremy said while using air quotes "he actually did the air quotes" Alex said "yea, that was bad" Zoey said "maybe it was modern dance" Winston said "yeah" Alex said and laughed lightly


Zoey lightly trailed behind Winston and Alex as they talked while she admired the campus

She hummed along to no fun by Joji as the music played lowly in her ears

She watched as the boys sat on bench talking she stayed behind seeing that they were in a deep conversation so she stayed far back on the tree and turned down her music

"Um...I'm not gay" Alex suddenly said and Zoey felt her heart break as she watched Winstons expression change Alex then said a few things and got up leaving the boy sitting there

Zoey walked over to Winston and put her hand on his shoulder "you'll find someone" she said and he smiled weakly and nodded as they trailed behind Alex


"Clay" Zoey said and he turned around to look at the girl

"You seriously got drunk...and did something I'd never expect you to do-" clay cut her off "do you seriously think I would rape someone?" Clay asked "who knows?" Zoey asked while looking the boy in the eyes "what the fuck, do you actually think I would do something like that? You're the one hanging out with someone who might be against us" He said "yes, maybe I do. Clay you haven't opened up to me in months how am I supposed to know how you feel, only Ani does, she seems to know every fucking thing about everyone, and who's against us exactly?"  Zoey asked "Winston, you're hanging out with him everyday" clay said and Zoey sighed

"Maybe because I need someone to listen to me for once, like Tyler does, he seems to be the only one who deals with my shit, do you know how hurt I've been? No because all you do is push me away. You don't even acknowledge me Clay...how am I supposed know who's against me when you don't even communicate?" Zoey cried and Clays angered face now grew soft for the girl "Zoe, I'm sorry, look we can talk-" Zoey cut the boy off "I have to get home, you know how my grandpa is-or you maybe don't, he asks for you a lot, but I'll keep telling him that you're busy with other things" Zoey said while walking away and Clay followed after the girl this time

"Zoey, stop" he said while grabbing her wrist "don't, touch me-like that" she said and Clay remembered her history so his hand instantly released from the girl and held his hands up in surrender

"Look, I'm sorry, things has been different, scary, and I can't handle all of this..." Clay started "Clay....I'm sorry, I have to go" she said and he sighed "and when I try to talk...you leave, great" clay said sarcastically and Zoey looked at him "do you not remember I have a curfew, I can't just run free and give my grandpa a heart attack, he's almost seventy" she said and Clay looked down at the girl

"I promise I'm not mad at you, okay?" Zoey said and clay nodded "and i promise to open up to you" Clay said and Zoey nodded while getting onto her bike remembering when her and Clay both got the same bike for Christmas, and from there on out they rode bikes everywhere together

"See you" Zoey said while smiling at the boy and he nodded "see you tomorrow" clay said and watched as she rode off, her curly hair flying back slightly Clay sighed as he watched his best friend get smaller as she got far away


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