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Zoey sat next to Alex as she watched Clay give his speech. She couldn't believe that things were happening this quickly. She knew that she'd be off to college, her and Alex both going to Berkeley. They were excited that they didn't have to separate. And didn't have to feel alone. But Zoey wasn't excited to leave Clay. She was going to miss him. But she knew they had to go separate ways and live their own life.

Zoey smiled at Jessica who made eye contact with her, a smile grew to Jessica's face. They were close. And they care for one another even if they did fight.

Once Clay speech was over Bolan spoke and so did foundry, it was all a blur to Zoey since she wasn't paying any attention. She just wanted to get out of the sun and spend time with her friends.

Once they threw their caps in the air she hugged Alex as he hugged her back

"We did it" Alex said and she smiled "I'm happy" she said and they pulled away

Soon Tyler walked over to the girl and they hugged tightly


Zoey talked to her grandpa and Merida in the gym as everyone walked around and talked at the after party "so I'm going come back every now and then-I mean we can talk about this at home..." Zoey said and her grandpa nodded "I'm proud of you" he said and smile and pulled her into a hug "thanks pa, and Merida, for being here for me. The both of you" she said and Merida hugged the girl

Zoey didn't want to get emotional, but she really did appreciate the two so much.

"I'm gonna go talk to someone.." she said while pointing behind her and they nodded

Zoey walked away heading towards the dark brown curly haired boy

She walked behind him she and tapped his shoulder "hey" she said and he turned around and smiled weakly "hey" he said "so...I heard you told Alex" she said and he nodded "yes...I did" he said and Zoey sighed and closed her eyes for a few seconds "I wish you the best..honestly, Winston..." she said and he nodded "I wish you the best too" he said and she nodded "sorry, for being awkward and I just don't want anything to leave off on a bad note with anyone" she said "no, I'm sorry..and I totally understand..." he said and she nodded

"Zoey, let's go..." Zoey heard and she turned around to see Zach she nodded and turned back to Winston "so, this is a goodbye.."
Zoey said and Winston nodded "see you. If I ever will see you again" she said and Winston nodded

Zoey walked away and went over to Zach


Everyone from the group sat on the bleacher as they stared at the people who still walked around

Zoey sighed as she laid on her back while her right leg and arm hung off the seat

"I just wanna take pictures and matter to somebody" Tyler said and Zoey sighed, he mattered to her, but she guessed he didn't see it

"I'd like to make enough money so my mom doesn't have to work" Ani said "yeah" Tony agreed while he sat in between her legs and her arm wrapped around him

"I fully plan on being famous, like, not social famous, I'm mean so, even the New York Times knows who I am" Ryan said making Zoey roll her eyes playfully

"I just wanna remember this day..just like this, right now" Zach said "yeah" Courtney agreed and Zoey smiled as she stared at the ceiling "I just want to make my parents proud" Zoey said and she titled her head back to see Clay smiling down at her and nodding

He then looked away and Zoey looked back to the ceiling while her arm now rested on the stomach

Soon Clay got up and started to walk off the bleachers as they all looked at the boy

"Clay, are you Clay Jensen?" The girl asked "oh my gosh, sorry. I'm a little nervous, you're just like- a rockstar after that speech. Uh, but I go to East county..I'm going to brown next year and I heard you are too, so I was wondering if maybe you'd want to get like-a coffee, or some other beverage to like go over the course catalog..and first year handbook..or is that too dorky..?" She said and Zoey smiled lightly as she laughed at the nervous girl

"Oh, I'm Heidi" she said "that's...that'll be very cool" he said "oh, phew" she said and they laughed

Zoey heart was hurting, she knew she had to let the boy go, they were off to different colleges, and Clay wasn't as interested in her as she was. She respected the boy. She knew that they weren't going to happen, she wanted them too, badly.

Zoey ears blurred out the conversation as she sat up and sat next to Zach

"This is pathetic..." Zach said and Zoey smiled at laughed as Zach stood up

"Jensen!" He said gaining the boys attention "are we gonna do this?" Jess asked "Yea, uh, yes" clay said and he turned back to the girl

He then gave her his email making Zoey cover her face "that email is worse than mines" she said to Zach and Zach nodded at the girl with a laugh and turned back to Clay and the girl

"Jensen.." he said and clay turned around and clay followed Zach and Zoey as they all walked together


Zoey watched as they covered the box with tapes, she wasn't on the tapes.. she heard them once they got leaked, but she did feel relief enter her once they were fully covered

She turned around to see Jess talking to the ghost of Bryce, she felt weird that she was also able to see him, but she was one of his victims, and this was the only way of closure. Or that's what she at least thought

Clay then walked next to the girl and she looked over to him and she sighed while looking back at Jessica

"Closure is the only way" Clay spoke and Zoey nodded; agreeing

She smiled lightly at the boy


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