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Zoey walked into her dorm and saw Alex

"Did josh seem mad?" Alex asked "no...he seemed like everything was fine" she said and Alex nodded "have you heard from Sam?" Alex asked "well, no. I did earlier. He didn't even come to class, he just walked off, but I'm sure we are fine, and so is sam" she said and Alex nodded "plan is going good...so far" Alex said

Josh opened the door to a class room making everyone's eyes land on him

"I need to talk to max, it's an emergency-with his uh, dad" Josh said and the professor furrowed her eyebrows "10 minutes" she said and max and he nodded and got up quickly and walked over to Josh

Once they got out of the class max grew worried

"What's wrong with my dad? And does Sam know?" Max asked and he got pushed into the wall "control your fucking brother, man" josh said while holding onto Max's collar "wha-what are you talking about?" Max stuttered in fear

"He's planning shit and I'm not stupid. You need to talk to him" josh let go of max and pushed him harshly "what is he planning?" Max asked "he's planning shit with Zoey-why all of a sudden Zoey has plans with him? She doesn't even know him! Or that's what I thought until minutes ago" he said "alright, man. I'll talk to him" max said as he fixed his shirt "talk to him now, or I'll hurt him" josh said and max nodded in fear

Josh walked away and max pulled out his phone and texted his brother


You have to leave Zoey alone.

Josh is going to hurt you

Please don't do anything stupid

I guess I'm going to have to put up a fight.

"Damn it" max sighed as went back into his class and grabbed his backpack "I, uh, have to go" max said and the professor sighed and closed her eyes letting the boy run out of her class room

Max ran to where he knew his brother would be.

Under the bleachers. It's where they both went when they needed to get away or relax

"Sam! What the fuck are you doing!?" Max asked his brother "I'm protecting Zoey" sam spoke the truth "but that's not protecting you-protecting us!" Max yelled "are you really scared this of josh?" Sam argues "bro, he could kill us if he wanted to" max said "that's what you think" Sam said and max looked up "why are you doing this?" Max suddenly asked and Sam looked down

"Have you never read about liberty high? About the tapes?" Sam asked

Sam was always a eye opening boy, he'd do anything to know about news around the world.

"What do you mean tapes?" Max asked "listen..you can't tell anyone but I know about Zoey and Alex's past..it was fucked up.." Sam said and max furrowed his eyebrows

"And what's so special about Zoey? She's just like every other girl here" max scoffed "Zoey..she isn't. She got..raped" Sam said and max face softened, he now knew the pain that Zoey was going through.

"Oh shit, Josh can't do this..." max said and Sam nodded "and that's why I'm stopping all of this from happening, so if I have to get hurt..I will" sam said "you know, you're going to make mom proud" max smiled at his younger brother, who was younger than him by 6 minutes "you're going to make mom proud, because you're helping" Sam said "I'll be happy to" max said and Sam nodded.

Max and Sam's mom went through the same thing as Zoey. She was also raped at a young age and was brave enough to tell her sons before she past away. Ever since that happened the topic of being raped hit harder for the boy. More then it already had.

Max knew that josh wasn't going to rape the girl or anything. Josh was going to simply ask her out..then try to go far with her after a while. And once he got what he wanted, he was going to drop her. Like he did to all the other girls.

Max and all the other boys didn't confront josh because they were all scared of him.

But these twins were going to make sure that they confronted him, and stopped him.

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I have two accounts one being a personal where I have no stories and I just read random stories. And two this one where I make fanfics. And I couldn't login to this one because it kept saying my password was changed so I finally got back in. I have no idea what happened maybe I got hacked but everything I back to normal‼️☺️

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