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Zoey tried her best not to zone off while she was in her interview, it was hard but she paid attention to the words that came out of the lady's mouth

"What's the most important thing to you?" the college interviewer asked Zoey

"My grandpa, he's been here for me since my parents past away, he made me understand that I can succeed in life if I put my mind to it, I love him so much than words can express. Same with my best friends, I'll do anything for them. They're all my family and they never give up on me, they all make sure that I'm in a good place with a good mindset about life. I'll love them until I'm gone" Zoey said proudly and the interviewer smiled

"Tell me about yourself" she said

"Well, I'm 18. My parents passed away in a crash when I was 16 and so I've been living with my grandpa for the past two years. I'm really passionate about art, like painting and drawing. One of my my best friends has been teaching me photography, so I'm slightly good at photography. I never give up on anything I put my mind to, so when I learn new things I'll never give up and by the end of the year I'll have a new talent or hobby. I sew clothes on my free time, and I wear my customized clothing. I sing, dance. I'm outgoing. I'm sometimes shy around groups of people..there's a lot more, and I pretty much talk too much" she said and smiled

"No, that's great, it makes the conversation interesting. What's the best hobby you've learned?" She asked

"Photography by far...I'm not the best at it, but just being able to make someone or something look so peaceful and relaxing or beautiful in one picture is amazing to me" she said

"Ok, you don't have to answer this..but what is the worst thing you think you've done this year?" She asked

"The worst thing I've done...was be jealous, I know I sound corny or you probably think I'm trying to be perfect and not tell you the worst..but it is. I spent too much time being jealous of my best friends girlfriend..she knew more of his secrets...he told her everything before me. And half of it comes from knowing him for nine years. But the other half of jealousy comes from having a crush on him...and it's the worst" she said and the interviewer nodded

"my daughter has the same problems..I get it, you're fine. What would you want to major in and why?" She asked

"Same answer, photography, I just started, but I know that I can put every talent I have into one with photography, I can take pictures of myself with my customized clothes, I can take pictures of art pieces that caught my eye..I can even capture the most fucked up times in life, but then I can look back at it...to see and learn that I got better and that I could push through it...you know-and sorry for my language" Zoey explained while laughing it off

She was trying to be herself, she couldn't get Clay off her mind at the same time

"You're good, that was the last question of the day, and so we'll get right back to you" he said and she nodded "thank you for your time" she said "no problem" Zoey said and sighed lightly as she stood up and walked out of the office she was in

She walked back to class


Zoey laid in the back of Tony's car as the sat in front of the car

"It's been two hours...and nothing" Zoey said and Tony sighed "I told you Tyler isn't buying guns" she said "we don't know that" Tony said "or you don't" Zoey said and Tony rolled his eyes "are you gonna defend Tyler this whole time?" Tony asked "yeah, that's what I'm here for" she said "shut up zoe" he said "fine, I'll shut up" she said and laughed

The door to the passenger seat then swung open scaring Zoey and Tony

"What the fuck?" Tony said "my heart fell through my ass" Zoey said while sitting up quickly and holding her hand on her chest as she felt her heart pounding

"Hey" Clay said and Zoey sighed at the sudden simple hey after scaring her and Tony

"You came" Tony said "of course, you needed me. Why wouldn't I?" Clay asked and Tony chuckled while smiling "hey, how long have you guys been here?" Clay asked while looking back at Zoey "about two hours, so I'm telling you Tyler isn't going to do anything stupid..I hope not, he's not-" Zoey got cut off by Tony

"Wait" Tony said as they all looked at Tyler

"Shit, he's going to the store" Zoey said he past the store going to the alley on the side of it to see a car

"Go. Let's go." Tony said as they got out "Zoey stay here" clay said as the rushed out of the car and ran up to Tyler "no way" Zoey said as she climbed from the back into the front and opened the door running after her friends

"Come on you gotta come with us" Clay said as Zoey walked behind the boy "what the fuck is this?" The man asked "whatever you guys are doing, you need to stop" Tony said and clay turned back to see Zoey

"Zoe, I told you to stay in the car" Clay said "you guys could get hurt" she said "and so could you" Clay said and he grabbed her hand

"Fuck this, I'm out" the man said but the police pulled into the alley from both sides

"Police stay where you are!" A police officer yelled they held their hand up as the man held up his gun to Tyler's forehead as he pushed him onto the wall

All police officers yelled put the gun down to the man

"Put the gun down!" Zoey yelled and he pointed the gun to Zoey

Clay stepped in front of the girl

"Put the gun down" clay said "fuck off" the man yelled

"He assisted us with a number of operations" standall said and the door opened to see sheriff Diaz "we traced a bag-load of illegal guns to him. Deferred charges in exchange for his help getting guns like that off the streets" Diaz explained "Jesus Christ" Tony said "holy shit" Zoey mumbled "it was deputy standalls idea, and a good one" Diaz said "look, Tyler put himself in harms way to help us, and we should be grateful for that. All of us, our entire community is safer because of his sacrifice" standall said

Clay, Zoey, and Tony all glanced at each other "yes, sir" Tony said "can we talk to him?" Clay asked "no. Not just yet" Diaz said and Zoey sighed "then can we leave?" Zoey asked "sure. Just keep this to yourself.." standall said while looking at Diaz "thank you, sir" Zoey said and looked at the boys as Diaz opened the door for them

Zoey stood up and walked out of the door with Tony and Clay following after the girl

"Why didn't he tell me?" Zoey whispered to the boys "maybe because you probably were going to talk him out of doing it" Tony said and she sighed


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