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"You know, let's pick something a little happier...uh, who do you trust most in your life and why?" Lainie said "I'll go" Diego said and Zoey sighed "I um, I always trust my boys to have my back and..I trusted Monty, always. He was the one that got me to play, freshman year, I..um..remember telling him, "Dominicans don't play football" but he wouldn't take that" Diego said and Zoey started to grow uncomfortable and sad for the boy "he taught me pride, he taught me what it was to trust someone, and..I miss him." Diego finished

"I'll go" Zoey said and Tyler looked at her, Tony sitting next to the girl

"I...trust, Tyler and Tony...because they've been here for me for these few months, they've had my back no matter what..they've made me feel safe, made me smile, and laugh" Zoey said and she looked at Clay to see him looking down at the fire

"And I trust Clay" she said and he looked at the girl confused "even though he's been through a lot...he's been trying to talk to me, and make sure that I stay safe, he's been my best friend for nine years and I trust him, very much" she said "and same for Justin..and Alex..Jess, Zach, I'm going to stop talking-someone stop me" Zoey said and everyone laughed Zoey smiled while leaning into Tony

"You talked in front of a big crowd" Tyler whispered in surprise "I had to lighten the mood" she said and back and he nodded


Winston and Zoey laid in silence until Winston broke the silence

"You and Clay knew each other for nine year?" He asked in disbelief "Yea, since forth grade" she said "so you guys dated before?" He asked "no...why'd you ask?" She said while turning on the lantern and faced the boy

They now looked at each other

"Because, you two seem like you were dating-but then again I remembered he's dating Ani" he explained "nope, but I don't see how you thought we were, you're never around in the hall when we argue" she said and laughed "I've never seen you to argue, but I don't see you guys together a lot, he's always with Ani, so now I just feel dumb" he said and she laughed "it's fine, things fell apart between Clay and I, not in a bad way, I mean he's not as open with me like he used to be, but a lot has happened over the year and I understand why" Zoey said

"He left you..." Winston said and she looked him in his eyes and nodded "you ever get that with your friends? It's like when something really bad happens to them...they start to close off..and I don't know how to feel..you know?" Zoey said "yea, that happened a lot to me at Hillcrest" he said "I miss the old clay, but I also love the new clay...he'd still do anything for his friends, he's an angel, but he's been very snappy lately, it hurts to know that he's not the same because everyone thinks he's this bad guy and he's not you see, all he does is care for everyone and bad things are happening to him, and he gets accused everyday...he's hurting...and so am I, and I can't run to him for help because he needs help for himself-I'm..I'm sorry" she said while wiping her tears

"It's fine...can I hug you?" He asked and she nodded she moved forward wrapping her arms around the boy and he wrapped his arms around her

Winston felt bad for the girl, he soon started to feel bad for Clay, but he couldn't except that, he wanted revenge, but Zoey was making it hard for him

He soon heard snores from the girl as her grip on him released he released his arms from her

He turned off the lantern and turned on his back

This is going to be harder than I thought

He thought


"Everyone gets a sheet of clues and a gps device, which I hope you know how to operate, we've collected all of your phones, and if anyone has a second phone, then you're disqualified" Lainie explained "and also your parents are too rich" Diego said making everyone laugh, except for Clay, Justin, and Zoey "hidden around this camp are canvas bags with treasure inside, like this one" Lainie said while showing the bag Zoey stood in between Justin and Clay as she looked around, still listening to the instructions

"So all these clues have been designed to keep you in safe places, but this is the wild, we're out here alone, and we need to look out for each other, so stick with your partner please. And of course you should encounter some wildlife try to remain calm and back slowly away" standall explained "then come back to camp and change  your underwear" Diego joked again "yes, thank you, Diego, alright stay safe, have fun...come on up guys" standall said and everyone stood up

"You sure you want me to tag along, I can find someone I don't-" Justin cut her off "you're fine zoe" he said and she nodded


Justin walked forward with the gps device as Zoey and Clay walked behind the boy

"You sure you know how to use that? Because i do" Clay said "look, I just think it's best if we do this totally together" Justin said he said and Zoey dodged a bee that came her way and she squealed holding onto Clay's shoulder "shit" Zoey said lowly

"Are you seriously worried about me?" Clay asked Justin "you don't really think I wrote that email? Do you?" Clay asked then turned to Zoey "I don't think you did" she said "thank you" Clay said and the girl nodded while letting go of his shoulder "Justin!" Clay said "no! I don't" Justin said as he turned around harshly "I think someone sent the email and they want a confession"  Justin said "and you think it might be me" Clay said "I don't!" Justin said "clay, I...I don't" Justin said

"But think someone wants shit to go down on this trip..look, maybe you're not in the best place to handle that" Justin said "but you are, of course...I know how to use this, you don't" Clay said while taking the paper and slamming it into his chest as he took the gps

"And what about you Justin? Who has the best access to my computer? Who knows my password? Just you" clay said "yea, surprisingly I don't even know it" Zoey said "really?" Justin said and Clay started walking off "it's fine just come on-" Zoey got cut off as both Justin and Zoey got took by the jocks
Zoeys heart pounded as she tried fighting back the jocks who held her down and covered her mouth so Clay couldn't here

"Justin! Zoey!" Clay said

"Justin!" Clay panicked "Zoey! Come the fuck on" clay said while walking back down the trail

He noticed it was no track of the two, the paper being left behind

"Zoey? Justin?" Clay yelled out

He soon started yelling for the boy and girl, in a panic, anxiety almost getting the best of him


Zoey and Justin walked around looking for clay, Justin held the knife in his hand as Zoey trailed behind him being paranoid, looking around

He then came to a stop making Zoey bump into  his back

"Sorry" she said while looking around

"You heard that?" He asked "what?" Zoey asked "a scream" he said and started to walk forward

Their eyes both landed on someone in a letterman jacket "fucking Beecher" Justin whispered and ran after him "motherfucker!" He yelled while jumping onto the boy "Justin!" Zoey yelled as she ran after him

"Justin what the actual fuck!" Charlie yelled "shit!" Justin yelled while getting off of the boy "sorry, I thought you were a football player" Justin said "he is" Zoey laughed "I am a football player" he said "yeah" Justin said "and so are you. What the fuck is up?" Charlie asked "have you been with Beecher and those guys?" Justin asked him as Zoey walked next to Justin "I was supposed to be with Zach, he ditched me. Why? What did Beecher do?" Charlie said "it's nothing" Zoey said while trying to pull Justin away so they could fine Clay

"Tell me" Charlie said "him and a couple of other guys held us down and..and Clay ran off" Justin said "I knew it was Beecher cause I could smell his nasty ass body spray, and now we have to look for Clay or them" Justin explained in frustration "they're fucking with Clay again?" Charlie asked "yes and apparently us" Zoey said then they heard a scream

"Clay" Zoey said "all right come on let's go" Justin said to Zoey and Charlie followed after the boy.


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