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Zoey stood anxiously next to Tyler as the people cheered behind her

She didn't want to go to the find your drink party, she didn't want to stay home, so the best thing was going to Tony's fight

She didn't want to see it, but this was the best thing

She couldn't face Clay, she was still upset with him from camp, she knew that the rest of her friends were most likely at the party so there was no turning back, Tony was her ride so she had to stay through this fight rather she liked it or not

"All right gentlemen come on in, come on, let's go" the referee said

Zoey watched as Tyler placed the water into bucket "how do you know how to do this?" She whispered to the boy "I watch WWE" he said and she groaned "I haven't watched WWE because I can't watch people fight, and now for the first time I'm watching this...it had to be fucking in person and my best friend is in this fight" she said "you don't have to watch" he said "I'm going to the bathroom" she said and he nodded

Zoey walked into the bathroom, it was quiet but you could still hear the yelling and cheering  from the crowd

She dialed Meridas number but stopped herself she sighed while walking back in forth in the bathroom

He's gonna be fine

He can fight

He's strong

He got this

Get back out there and support him, now

Zoey ran her fingers through her hair, getting her fingers stuck in her curls she rubbed her face and sat on the floor

After a while she got up

She sighed and walked out of the bathroom to see Tony's face bleeding she avoided his face and walked over to Tyler

"You good?" Tyler asked "Yea, I'm fine" she said while looking at the crowd

"To the body!"

She then look to see Tony get hit making him fall down a little

Zoey covered her mouth "it's all right he shake it off! Breathe! Breathe!" Ted yelled

Tony blocked the hits until he got hit in the stomach making him stumble back, his competitor took advantage of that and started hitting Tony, he soon got out of the corner soon it all went slow for Zoey as Tony got knocked down to the floor

"Tony!" She yelled and Tyler calmed the girl down

Tony soon got up

Ted signaling to upper cut the man he nodded

Tony walked up to the and dodged the hits that came towards him and upper cut the man making him fly to the ground everyone cheered including Zoey, she jumped up and down "let's go Tony!" She yelled

"We're done!" The referee yelled and they cheered Ted hopped onto the boxing rink and hugged Tony tightly

Zoey smiled widely as the random people who cheered for Tony even if they didn't know him


"Thanks, also congrats, I'm very proud of you Tony, you scared the living shit out of me, but I'm proud" Zoey said and "thank you for being there" he said and she smiled "I'll see you tomorrow" she said while walking away to her house

Tony watched as she waved at him before entering her house, he waved back and drove off as she opened the door

"Pa?" She said lowly making sure that if he was asleep she wouldn't wake him

【CRUSH】-Clay Jensen (s4)Where stories live. Discover now